How to avoid physical health problems created by mental illness

Physical health and mental illness

How mental health impacts on physical health

 “A Sound mind is in a sound body “

Mental health has a major impact on your physical health. When you are mentally ill then it directly impact on the immunity system. So you will inflict easily every disease due to lack of strong resisting immunity in the body. When you fill too much overwhelmed by mental conflicts then slowly you will start losing control over yourself.

Fear or worry may cause you digestion problems or ulcer where your digestion system start losing control and you will start loose motions .Too much of fear or worry will impact on digestion and suddenly your heart beats starts getting momentum. Blood pressure also increases will the increased stress level and worry.

Those who have sustained stress and worry for longer time will eventually start gaining weight. They experience losing the control over the self. They always fear for taking any major decisions in life. They give too much thought over any choices to make. So they become emotionally dependent on others for decision making. Overthinking or incessant thinking over any simple things will eventually make you feel unhealthier and mentally distressed.

Mental illness will make you lose your self-confidence. Your life will get distracted and you start feeling emotionally bad for everything happening nearby. You will feel helpless, loses the hope in life. You don’t want to do anything. You will be more suppressed and feel like victim all the time.

Eventually you will inflict more negativity in life .You mind will bring more negative thoughts. You will always see negative side of any situation. You will go through the unbearable thoughts which you find it difficult to express in front of others. This sustained level of stress eventually induces the thoughts of committing suicide. As they feel like there is only way out of these troubles is ending the life.

Ways to avoid physical health problems created by mental health issues

Observe silence Everyday (Meditate)

Mental illness is resulting due to lack of peace of mind. Once you mind get out of the chattering then you will observe the silence in life. Best way to make you mind more peaceful is mediation. When you start practicing the silence for few minutes daily then you will get to know that your mind will be less cluttered.

Mediation will bring you mind under control .You will observe less thoughts going on in your head. Once you take charge of your thoughts then you will observe the peaceful mind. Spare some time daily to observe the silence in the morning. You will gain more control over your life and mind.

Workout – Physical Moves

When you are too much in head then you will get disturbed in life. You will experience inertia towards everything or every activity. You will start gaining weigh i.e. obesity. Due to losing control over physical well-being you will lose your health.

Only way to get out of this inertia is to keep your body active. Daily morning routine of exercise will boost you’re your vitality and more positivity. Physical fitness will release the stress and you will feel more relaxed and confident. While going through mental turmoil one should always focus on building physical fitness. Maintain daily morning ritual to do exercise and workouts.

Motivate yourself with positive thoughts

Basic reason why we have many mental health issues is because of the bad thoughts which we have consumed. Our mind gets disturbed due to the negative thoughts. We lose hope and it badly impact on our physical health.

Positive thoughts will boost your confidence .Simply replace the thoughts of fear or worry by the thoughts of hope and well-being. Daily motivation will help you to change your perspective towards everything. Keeping always positive will reduce the side effects generated by mental health.

Surround yourself by positive people and thoughts

Mind always naturally drift towards the negativity. As our life is so habitual of negative thoughts. We are totally surrounded by negative things all around. If you constantly listen to the news of accidents or theft then you start generating thoughts of insecurity.

What we around surrounded by decide our thoughts and behaviors. To have positivity and mental well-being get surrounded by the positive peoples. A positive person always emits the thoughts of hope and optimism. They always uplift the people around them.

Visualize the better future

Our mind always tries to bring the thoughts of fear or worry. We feel more unwell due to the fear of failure or by what will happen in future. Such thought of insecurity and uncertainty makes you lose hope. You will be in fear and stress which will effect on your ability to take actions on the problems.

Your mind accepts the story which you tell it .Mind doesn’t have the intellect to differentiate between true thought or it is just the imagination. So if you feed you mind with the image of success and better future outcome then respective feelings will be created by your mind.  

Get associated with social groups

Serving others will give you more happiness and hope. If you share love and compassion towards others then you will also feel blessed with love. Serving others will give you sense of meaning to your life. If you are feeling alone and too much overwhelmed by the mind conflict then simply go and get involved into the community work.

Serving others is the best gift you can give yourself. Your life will be happier and contended. You will have better clarity on your mental conflicts. Many times all the subtle conflicts will get dissolved due to broader perspective towards life.

Read self-help books

Only way to groom your overall personality is through gaining knowledge. Books are really source of knowledge and wisdom. Those who read more will get more clarity in their life so they don’t pay attention towards cravings of the minds.

Reading self-help books will keep you more positive. These books are specially written to give you more insights on personal improvements.All you mental illness due to ignorance and misunderstanding in life will be taken away by the light of awareness.

Groom your personality

If you have self-confidence then you can take charge of your own life. Those who are physically fit they experience more control over the mind. Believing in yourself will boost your control in life. Well groomed person will always take better choices in life.

Groom your personality with physical fitness and wisdom through knowledge. Self-improvement is necessary to change your thoughts. You will feel more confident and hopeful. Successful people have always paid more attention towards their personality grooming.

Follow the spirituality

When you find it difficult by any means to manager your mental health, the last option is to turn towards the spirituality. In fact spirituality is the base of human existence. If you are truly connected to spirituality then you will never lose control in life.

Those who are spirituality connected will never find it uncontrollable to handle any difficult situation in life. As spiritual base is the foundation where your life will always grow and expands. If you want to get relief from mental illness then follow the spiritual way to tackle this mind problem.

Practice gratitude in the morning

Attitude of gratitude will make your life fulfilled. Those who thanks for everything in life will get all the things easily. Always appreciate life for what you have got. If you are peaceful and happy with life then most of the mind conflicts will not exist in life.

Those who always complain for everything will find many problems coming on their way. If you run behind the fame and success then you will lose all peace and life balance. Give up all your unnecessary complications in life that is the main cause of your mental illness.


Final Thoughts

Mental health has become the major issue for most of us. Keep yourself positive enough so that negativity will not get any place in your life. More positivity means your mind will be more peaceful.

By gaining control over mental health you can avoid the physical health problems. Work towards the development of mental fitness through meditation and exercise. Keep yourself physically fit to take charge of mind.

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