Important life lessons to remember for life time

Important life lessons to remember

Life teaches many lessons over period of time. We always remember only those events which were very close to our feelings. We must remember the important lessons which will help you to grow your life better way.

People only remember the pain or suffering they have gone through, but don't pay attention towards the lessons that life wants them to learn. If you don't learn the lesson then you will commit the same mistake again in life.

Life is the journey of experiences which makes you more prudent and prosper for future events. People only curse the others for the life problems but they don't try to understand subtle intentions behind the problems. If you want to make your life more happy and peaceful then you need to understand fundamental life lessons.

Important life lessons you must remember for life time

Nothing is permanent in life

We too much get attached to the event or person, objects, relationships. During the time of struggles we feel like you will not ever going to overcome the problem. We get obsessed with materialistic things like car, home or relationship. If that desire doesn't get fulfilled or the thing leaves you then you will get overwhelmed with emotional attachments.

Remembering the impermanence of life you can reduce your suffering caused by losing the things. If you don't want to accept the reality of life then you will get trapped into vicious cycle of pains and anxiety over the obsession. 

By understanding nothing is permanent in life will release you from the burden to have everything in life. Even if your desire don't get fulfilled at the point of time you must not feel get emotional. Having all the world luxury or pleasures won't guarantee you the happiness and peace in life.

Remembering that soon this bad time will pass gives you motivation to move ahead in life. Any life problem is not permanent. Things will change after few days. Just have the patient and deal with the bad times wisely.

Only awareness can bring the change 

We have so many bad habits which we have adopted consciously or unconsciously. If you always deny that you don't have bad habit then you will never be ready to change it. Most of the people are unaware that they get tempered instantly. They realize it later that they don't want to react but they didn't have the control at that moment.

If you want to bring change in your life then you have to accept things. Accepting that I always use abusive words will pave a way to take control over the language you use during the arguments. If you have to become aware about the deeper meaning of life then only you can accept the life changes or problems with grace and gratitude.

Those who are aware about the beauty of life they always appreciate life to the fullest. They live each and every moment of life happily. Awareness about the importance of life will make you feel grateful about having it. People never accept the reality of life so they manufacture unhappiness for themselves through out the life.

Learning is the process where you get awareness about the particular subject. As you have all the knowledge within yourself  by becoming aware about the subject it manifest into your life. Awareness is the key to make your life more happy and peaceful. Once you become aware then your complaining or faultfinding nature will collapse. You will evolve as a more mature and complement person.

Self-discovery is the ultimate endgame

When you have problem in life or things are not going the way you want, then to whom you blame for that. We always blames others for the problems. We feel like they have created the mess or chaos in my life. We always feel like the remote control of our life has been hijacked by the others. But in reality no one can make you feel bad without your consent.

You have power to take charge of your own life. External forces will not impact you if you are strong enough with your inner powers. Even if others try to interfere with your life then you can repel them with your own power. You need to first aware about the power which you hold within.

If you star your journey of self awareness then you will have all the powers to control your own life. If you are peaceful and mature within then external forces will not last longer. Your inner peace and tranquility will overcome the external forces.

When ever you feel like not having control over life then start self-discovery. Self -realization  will make you more aware of oneself. You need to understand which strength you have within you. Change yourself rather than fighting with everyone outside. If you change your temperament then no one can make you unhappy or feel bad.

You are more powerful than you think

We live the life with the potential which we are aware about. We always restrict our self to go beyond the comfort zones. What we have been told by the parents or surrounding people we stick to that thoughts. We always feel underprivileged or deprived of  powers. What we have been listing or observing from surrounding will become our belief system.

Everyone on this plant has the same potential and powers but we are restricted due to mindset. We have fixed mindset which tells us that we are born to live a mediocre life. We don't have the resources to reach the riches. All these are the stories which are told by your surrounding people. So we accept that with belief that we can't make any big thing in life.

You are more powerful than you think. Explore yourself to the new doors of opportunities. Don't restrict yourself by the lie you have been listening since the childhood. Unleash the potential within yourself. We hardly uses 10% of our brain power which means how much we can explore the life. Awareness about the hidden potential will give you guidance to use all your powers to the fullest.

Every problem has a solution

Problems in life are inevitable. Most of the problems which we confront are created due to our own ignorance or misunderstandings. When you face the problem then your reaction to the problem will make it more worst or complicated. There are always a ways to deal with the problems in life.

We get to much overwhelmed when we face the problem. Many negative thoughts in life has made our problems more complex to deal with. Don't get panic or lose the hope. Face the problem with more wisely by accepting it and divert your thinking mind towards the solving the problems. Our focus always goes to the negative side of solutions but you need to divert the energy towards the problem solving. 

 Any problem has a solution if you pay attention towards the nature of problem. Try to understand root cause of problem. Only way to eradicate problem permanently is to find solution which requires you to change first. Outside environment is not within our control but you can make changes within yourself.

No one can make you happy than you yourself

Basic philosophy of happiness is that we feel that some object or person can make us happy. So we try to derive pleasure from the object or person. We feel that if that person loves me or behave good then I will be happy or if I get that job then I will be more happy.  

But in reality no one can make you happy than you yourself. If you are seeking happiness outside it means that you are bound to get unhappy most of the times. As others are getting more control over your life ,so you have to depend emotionally for happiness. They will one day leave you then your happiness source will get vanished.

You are the one who can keep yourself happy all the time. Don't seek emotional support from others they will misguide you. If you try to find the happiness within yourself then you need not to depend on others.

How to find happiness within our self?

Happiness is the mindset. We all have the choice in our life to choose happiness intentionally over the unhappiness. We are running behind the happiness but by the wrong means. Happiness is also attached with the objects or moments in our life. Our mind doesn’t allow us to to be happy always it tell you to achieve something then only you will be happy in life.

Happiness is our natural disposition. We are blessed to live every moment happily. But our mind is not allowing us to live happily. Mind always compares with others and always makes you run behind the materialistic happiness.

Don’t judge things or compare by mind then only you can appreciate every occasion. If you accept the things as they are naturally then you will feel more happy. Accept the reality of life rather than resisting. 

Simply accepting the thing without judgment will bring the joy. If might have experienced the cool breeze in the morning give the feeling of happiness. All the natural things are there to make you happy if you see through the eyes of grace and blessings.

Soul consciousness will make you realize that you can live happily every moment in life. Every moment in life is precious and you can make it happy. Once you start appreciating the life then you will enjoy life. Happiness is your nature so live every moment happily. 

Love yourself to express love towards others

Love is the real meaningful thing in life. If you express the love towards the others then only you can feel loved and happy. Life has designed this way so that everyone should share the compassion and love. You have get more happiness and joy in life by serving others only.

If you don't accept the way you have been born then you are creating the unhappiness in life. Many of us don't want to accept the reality of life. They always try to show off the things which are not their true identity. This quest for pleasing others will bring only disappointment in life.

Love yourself for the way you are then only you can share love towards others. Those who are deprived of something they can't afford to share it with others. So always you need to have the mentality of abundance then only you can share with others. Love yourself and express love and compassion towards others.

Relationships can't lasts without consistent efforts

We always surprise by seeing the happy couples roaming around. We feel that they are lucky enough to share happiness together. They might be more blissful than us. But in reality none of the above assumption is true. They are living happy married life because they have choose to be happy with person difference.

We always need to give efforts to make relationship more thriving. Without the acceptance of personal differences in opinion or choices you can't make everyone happy. Every relationship need the consistent efforts to maintain balance. Both partners need to accept each other the way they are and make the happier choices.

Love grows only with the understanding and sacrifices. If you want someone to be happy then you have to compromise couple of things for that person. Balancing act of work life is important to give enough attention towards the partner.

Final Thoughts

Life has a lot to give if you are ready to accept. Life experiences are so profound that they will make your life. Learn from the past mistakes and move ahead with more maturity and understanding. You only need to learn the lesson no one outside can  help you to imbibe the lessons.
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