How to live each and every moment of life

happy moments of life

How to live each and every moment of life 

Our life is very precious gift we have been blessed. But we are too much busy in our day to day affairs, that we don’t have time to enjoy the gift of life. We are not even neglecting the beauty of life but also making our own life more miserable.

We have each and every aspect within us to enjoy the every moment of life but we have been veiled by the rat race and delusional lifestyle .We have been already gifted the best moments but we are not enjoying it ,instead trying to create the virtual happiness by the use of machine and technology.

Our time on this earth is limited and we are losing opportunity to enjoy life by every passing day.Generally we feel that we don’t have enough money to enjoy life and we run behind money to earn.By the time we have some money in our pocket but we are not healthy enough to take tours and move around easily .so it is always trade-off between money to be earned and life to be enjoyed .You can earn money later in life but lost moments can’t be brought back by any means.

If you want to live each and every moments of life ,you need not to think a lot for it .You have all that power and avenues to enjoy every moments within yourself .Simple acts in life can make you feel good .We have basically created a belief system that enjoying life means taking foreign tours or vacations .But every moment in life is precious which we can utilize to live happier life.

Below are the questionnaires you really need to answer and take a moment to think about each and every question .You will be surprised by reading .Why we are seeking happiness in outside world, whereas happiness is present in each and  every moment of life.

1.When did you last time listen to the ticking of clock?

2.When did you last time see beautiful scenery of sunrise or sunset?

3.When did you last time take sun bath for at least 10 minutes?

4.When did you last time see moving clouds and formations in the open sky?

5.When did you last time listen to chirping of birds?

6.When did you last time see freely swinging birds in the sky?

7.When did you last time listen to sound of flowing water in the nature?

8.When did you last time smell the fragrance of beautiful flowers?

9.When did you last time feel sensation of your own breathing?

10.When did you last time feel sensation of water flowing over your body while  bathing?

11.When did you last time observe how many rounds of rotations your ceiling fan makes in 1 minute?

12.When did you last time feel the sensation by touching your own skin

13.When did you last time listen to the music which made your eyes flowing with happy tears?

14.When did you last time observe the surrounding nature beauty gracefully?

15.When did you last time smile to the stranger and he blushed looking at you?

16.When did you last time take a random walk on the road to observer surrounding ?

17.When did you last time hug closed one to feel the warm ?

18.When did you last time appreciate beauty of your spouse?

19.When did you last time smell the tasty food cooked at home?

20.When did you last time dance randomly with excitement and fun?

Ways to live each and every moment of life

Live in the present moment

You can enjoy present moment if you are present mentally at that point of time .We are too much conditioned by mind that we always keep thinking either of past or future and we forget to pay attention to present moments .Living in the present is the detailing of the present moments.

Present moment is a door way to happiness and joy .Without paying attention to present moments you can’t achieve the better results for future .Those who plan their present moment better are the real successful person in future .

Pay attention to the details of activity

Those who practice to pay attention to the each activity they are doing then they will enjoy doing that activity. Living in present moment will give sense of fulfillment and joy .Observe the things nearby without any judgment of labeling as they are then only you can appreciate the things wisely .

We perform our tasks but mentally we get busy with planning about something else .Every activity which is performed with detailed presence will give you better results .Chances of mistakes are more in case you are not totally present at that moment while performing tasks.

Don’t worry about tomorrow

We are losing our control over present moment by living the present moment to think and worry about what will happen tomorrow .Due to this habit we are spoiling our present moment.Instead of living the present moments we are thinking about tomorrow .

If you live present moment with grace then you need not to worry about tomorrow .We are missing essence of life by the continuous thinking every time .Thinking and feelings associated with the thoughts are spoiling the present moments and you are creating virtual reality of tomorrow sorrows at present moments .

Don’t plan too much about future

Those who are too much busy in planning for future are missing essence of the present moments. We always have plan for future but we don’t plan spending wisely our present. Too much of planning about future is stealing your life’s happy moments in planning activity.

Observe the nature closely

Spending  more time with the nature will make you aware about the present moments .Each and every creatures except man are bound to live in the present moments .If you observe the birds, tree, animals all are enjoying their life with living in present moments they don’t think or worry about future .

Take frequent walks in the woods .Spending more time and observing the nature will bring your attention in the present moment because nature is designed that way to live in the present moments .What nature teaches us to go with the flow of life and enjoy the present moment without any resistance .

Take a random walk on the streets

When we are busy and we have destination to reach then we always rush to the destination. Due to time bound nature we forget to observe the nearby surrounding .There are so many beautiful things are going on around but we don’t pay attention to them .

If you take a purposeful random walk on the streets then you will be surprised by knowing the so many things are there but you have never paid attention to them .Simply act of random walks will open up your senses to observe the surrounding and enjoy the scenery.

Spend day without gadgets

We are too much busy with our gadgets that whenever we get spare time we reach out to them.We are obsessed by technology so that we can’t even imagine your day without gadgets.Technology is snatching your attention away from present moments.

If you spend a day without gadgets then you will get to know that how much time we have to do some creative tasks .Those who are carried away by the social media will never take time to pay attention to surrounding rather than the phone in their hands.

Imitate the presence of child 

Have you ever observed the child which are too much busy with the activities they are performing .They never worry about future even don’t divert attention towards others than their activity. Children are blessed with the presence in their childhood but after growing older their mind is occupied with the thoughts and they start behaving like adults.

You will observe that spending time with child you will almost forget all your worries .As you get involved with the child you will eventually stop paying attention to your thoughts and you will observe mere presence .Spend more time with children’s to live present moments.

Final Thoughts

You really need not to take any extra efforts to enjoy each and every moments of life .Your presence in every moment will make you feel more happy and joyful .

Life is beautiful .Keep it as simple as possible so that your clutters will be minimum. Simple lifestyle is the key to happiness .Avoid the complicated relationships which will make your life hell .

Simply observe the things closely and enjoy the presence at that moment. Technology is snatching our happiness and peace of mind so use it wisely and for limited hours in a day .

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