How to control emotions or feelings
“Feelings are just
visitors let them come and go “
Emotions are the body’s reaction to your mind or reflection
of your mind in the body. Emotions are created by body to respond to your
thoughts in your mind. Feelings are the body’s physical manifestation to the
An emotion usually show an amplified and energized thoughts
patterns .Often vicious circle builds up between your thinking and the emotions,
they feed each other’s .Thoughts feeds energy to emotions which in turn energizes
the thought patterns.
More you are identified with your thinking , your likes and
dislikes , judgments and interpretations stronger will be the emotional energy
.Emotions are created due to stronger attachments with things .
Harder the mind struggles to get rid of emotions , greater
will be the pain .The mind can never find solution , nor it allow you to find
solution , because it is itself an intrinsic part of the problem .
Resentment, hatred, self-pity, guilt, anger, depression,
jealousy, fear or irritations are the feelings which are generated by your mind
which causes you to suffer a lot. These are the negative emotions which are
causing you to experience more pain.
Ways to control your emotions or feeling
Acknowledge your feelings
If you cannot feel your emotions, if you are cut off from them,
you will eventually experience them on a physical level or symptom. Feel your
body within to understand your emotions or feelings.
Understand your feelings deeply so that you will get to know
reason behind the emotions. Most of us initially show resistance to acknowledge
that we are going through the emotional feelings they pretend themselves more
robust and sturdy personality.
Those who initially don’t accept emotional state they will
eventually develop severe symptoms of physical health issues .Your bad feelings
hamper on your immunity, you will lose control over physical well being .
Be aware about your thoughts
What emotional state currently you are is direct result of
thoughts in your mind . Understand your thoughts with more sensitivity .If the
negative thoughts are spinning in your mind then your emotional state will
change to bad moods.
By controlling your thoughts in mind you can change your feelings .Choose your thoughts more wisely so that your emotional state has to be balanced .Thoughts are the creator of your emotions and feelings so you need to pay attention to the thoughts .
Avoid emotional dependency on others
We are too much emotionally getting attached to the
relationships. You emotional state is controlled by some one other .So don’t
allow that much freedom to any relationship or else you will suffer a lot .Most
of the partners in relationship are taking benefits of emotional attachment’s .
Simple thought of going away or breaking relationship making
you more emotionally uncomfortable. Such emotions are difficult to control once
you break them .Always set some boundaries for every relationships so that
others will not be able to take advantage of situation.
Pivot your emotions with positive feelings
If the negative thoughts are generating bad emotions then
you will be able to generate good feelings by feeding your mind with positive
thoughts .Pivoting the emotions simply means changing the emotional state by
changing thoughts with hope and positivity.
Simply you can revisit the happy moments in life .Due to the
happy thoughts in your mind your emotions changes to the good feelings and your
new thoughts will be added with more positivity .
Visualization skill will help you to change your emotional
state .If you visualize positive outcome of future moments then you will start
generating emotions of happy feelings then your mood switches to happy
Let go of too much attachment or obsession with things
We mostly get emotional when we lose the thing which was too
much close to our heart .Such loss will make you suffer more as you are aware
that replacement of that is not possible in near future .If you get too much attached
with the things then loss of such things will be more traumatic for you .
Don’t get too much obsessed with your ego ,objects , persons
,position ,fame ,success or social status. You should respect it but always
maintain emotional detachment with them .Emotional dependency on attachments will
make your life more troublesome.
Overlook criticism or blame of negative peoples
We get emotional for what people have told us .Remember that
people will any how point you out so rather than losing control over your emotional
stability you must adopt to the resilience.We should not too much bother about
people opinions they more biased depend on their own beliefs and understanding.
Emotional resilience against criticism will give you power
to fight back against the falsehood comments .Never ever get emotional and feel
bad for these negative criticisms .Always learn from the mistakes and accept
the constructive criticism to make more progress in life .
Slow down your thoughts
We get totally overwhelmed with emotions when thoughts in
mind are at peak .Intensity of thoughts in your mind will make you feel more
uncomfortable and your severity of bad feelings increases drastically . Our
mind is master in bringing more thoughts to boost your emotions .
Slowing down your thoughts will subside your emotions .You
can divert your overflowing thoughts to some other creative or interesting
activities. When thoughts reduces considerably you will feel better and
Express feelings to get relief
Your emotions get more intensity when you keep feeding your
mind same thoughts .If you don’t get any way to release your thoughts then same
thoughts will keep on spinning your thought process .Over period of time you
will observe more deepening of emotions and you will succumb to deep depression.
Expressing your feelings with closed one will reduce intensity
of your thoughts , you will feel more relaxed as thoughts in mind will get
reduced drastically .So always have good friends to share grief and painful
situations. You will get more deeper understanding after discussion with loved
one’s .
Final Thoughts
Don’t allow you emotions to take control over you .Have deep
presence about which thoughts and emotions are going on in your mind .Neglect
the negative emotional urges which mind triggers more often.
Understand that you have power to control your emotions through deep
understanding .Take charge of your own life and emotions .Stay always from
psychic people who will disturb your emotional stability.
Don’t get emotional about each and every happening in life
.People lose their wisdom and get victimized to opinions of others .Understand
your feelings to control it better .
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