Why do negative thoughts come in mind
" Fear is the base of all negative thoughts"
Only Human being is blessed with the ability to think. No other creature on this earth is capable to think. So donot we think this ability is blessing for us? What would have been the intentions for giving this ability only to the human being? We are intellectual being as we have the ability to think and plan the things well in advance. We can create a better future or better world with creative planning by using our mind.
Thinking is not bad at all but when this thinking turn into negative that makes you more uncomfortable. Human mind is has inflicted the habit of always attracting negativity in life. Negative thoughts are created due to the habit of always having fear. We always procrastinate things or we are afraid of our future.
What are the sources of negative thoughts
Memories of past are more painful. Many of us are still trapped in the memories of past. When we remind that past it will create more pain and sufferings. When you remind the past memories which may contain regret then you will create the negative thoughts and emotions at present moment by thinking of it. So you will create the negative thoughts by remembering the past regret.
Memories in past which are good doesn't hurt you but you would like to remember it. Those memories which had already troubled you will activate your pain body. Guilt, Regrets, Mistakes or misfortune memories will create the negative thoughts and you will start feeling bad. Simply recollecting the past memories will create negative thoughts and you will lose confidence to face the present situation.
Forgive and forget is the only way to avoid the negative thoughts which are created due to the past memories. Remember that once you forgive yourself, you will never feel guilty for past deeds. Also practice the forgiveness for others those who have hurt you that will release your burden of their past memories which they have given you.
Base of fear is imagination. We always use our creative imagination power for bad means. We always imagine what worst can happen and you will create negative thoughts by imagining the possibilities of failure. Human being have this power to create better future but we are using it for creating fearful present. By imagining the negative outcome of future we are always spoiling our present moments.
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