How to overcome fear of failure

overcome fear of Failure

"Fail early, fail often, fail forward" _ Will Smith

Fear of failure is a mentality we have due to uncertainty of future desired results. We are always afraid that whether we will be successful or not . We lose our confidence as we are unknown to future outcome.

Having fear of failure is human tendency ,but through our wise choices we can overcome this fear by developing positive mindset towards our failure and meaningful endeavors in life.

“The best things in life are on the other side of fear.” - Will Smith

Failure is a integral part of journey towards success . But our society has created wrong perspective towards those we often fail to achieve something bigger and better in life .

Since childhood, our education system has such designed they treat failed student differently . Schools have created such evaluation system that if you fail in exam it means you will not anymore do good in life.

Successful people have very positive perspective towards failure . They understand that one has to go through the failure to achieve success . There is no other way or shortcut for success.

No one would achieve success without going through failures. Failure is important to give you lessons and make your success journey happening and excited .

8 ways to overcome fear of failure

·    Successful people fail the most

Most of the successful  people are the one who failed the most . In order to achieve some thing great we really need to try something different. Those successful leaders has tried and failed the most.

Failure is the trial in the experiment of life. So unless and until we try harder we can’t achieve something breakthrough in our life.Those who have tested and made their way through failure appreciate failure more in life.

·   Failure is greatest teacher

Failure will teach you a life changing lessons. We learn a lot in life because of failures. No other teacher is as strong as failure in life. Failure make your life with full of experiences and learning’s.

Those you take lessons from failure will always try hard to improve .Improvement is essential to get better very day and you can only improve if you learn from failures. Learning and improving is continuous process for advancement in life or in career.

·   Learn to love failure

We really need to change the perspective towards failure. Failure is great avenue to learn more. Those who dare to fail more are the one who achieved  greatest milestone and  success in life.

Once you start loving failure , entire perspective towards life changes . You will find more opportunity by taking big risks and bold steps towards your dream .

·   Fear is a sign of growth

What we fear the most has a potential to take you at higher scale in successful life. We mostly fear to take risk in life due to the surrounding peoples. We think that what they will tell if I get fail ? How I will be able to regain my original status?

If you let go other’s people opinions then only you will succeed in life. So if you overcome fear of failure then you will make growth in your area of interest or pursuit.

·    Failure reveals your true potential

Fear hold you for not to get out of your comfort zone. We are always dominated by the thoughts of comfort , security and mediocrity. These comfort factors are not allowing us to tackle fear of failure.

Once you start dealing with the failure you will be surprised that there is abundance of potential hidden within us. We never allowing our self to explore to the hidden potential or power by refraining to take risks.

·   Greatest Setback – Biggest opportunity

Life’s greatest setbacks reveal life’s biggest opportunities.  Failure in life will be new doorway to the opportunities. Those you try and overcome setback are the one who get more explorations.

Setback will give you new perspective in life. You will acquire more wisdom through your trials and attempts. Happy people always make better sense out of any difficult situations to advance in future with more experiences . 

·    More Chances – More failure

Those who take more chances and dare to be more and do more than others will naturally experience more failures. I would suggest you that it is always better to try something and fail rather than never to have tried it at all.

Always take chance rather than to accept the mediocre lifestyle. Unleash your potential which is seeking door to open up. Those you take chances are real learner and explorer in life .Only way to gain more knowledge and wisdom in life is to fail as often as you can .

·   Success depend on how you Overcome failure

Fear of failure is the mentality we have developed due to negative influence of our surrounding. Our life is surrounded by so many negative things. Negativity is much more commonly observed everywhere.

Your progress and success in life depend on how well you have overcome or managed your failure. Successful people overcome fear of failure by accepting failure gracefully and learn from it.

Final Thoughts

“ I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles he has overcome while trying to succeed ”  _ Booker Washington

Fear of failure can be easily overcome by awareness that failure is the integral part of success and life journey. Those who fail more they learn more in life.

Start loving your failure as they are stepping stones to your success journey.  Failure will teach you great life lessons use that lesson to lead better future.

Your progress in life will be depend on how well you handle your failure in your life. So overcome negativity and fear of failure by accepting it as challenge for growth and prosperity in life.


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