Finding purpose of life - IKIGAI Japanese way

what is purpose or meaning of life-IKIGAI

"The people of Japan believe that everyone has IKIGAI ,a reason to jump of bed each morning " 

    IKIGAI - The Japanese Secret to a long and Happy life 
"Ultimate purpose of life is to live happy  and peaceful life"

Everyone in their life at some point of time definitely might have come across the question that , what is purpose or meaning  of our life ? We always keep on searching purpose or meaning of our life. 

To find purpose of life Japanese people have found it as finding your  IKIGAI .The meaning of IKIGAI is the happiness of always being busy. 

There is passion inside you , unique talent that gives meaning to your days and drives you to share the best of yourself until the very end .If you don't know -your mission is to discover it.

Japanese people believe that , our ikigai is hidden deep inside each of us , and finding it requires a patient search .Ikigai brings health ,satisfaction, happiness and meaning to our lives.

Though finding their ikigai they enjoy the work they do and they fill like having flow in life and satisfaction. Japanese people never really retire , they keep doing what they love for as long as their health allows.

           "We don't create the meaning of our life , we discover it " _ Sartre

When we live our life with whatever we feel meaningful to us then we live happy life . When we lose connection to our meaning in life we feel unsatisfied.

Our current lifestyle is making our life engulfed in contemporary pleasure deriving things . But at some point of time we will have that hunger to find meaning of our life . 

Finding purpose is doesn't need big things but simple things also can make a big difference if you change your perspective towards it. Enjoy whatever you do , bring purpose into your work.

To find your ikigai there are 10 rules by which we can find it 

1)  Stay active , don't retire 

Your purpose in life will keep you active for longer years of life . Having purpose will boost your energy to pursue your passion in life . Those who are driven by their purpose in life find better meaning to life and lead life with happiness and joy.

Keep yourself always active in life , don't retire . Once you loose interest in life that will make your life boring and meaningless .So always keep yourself active in something productive and creative .

2) Take it slow

Japanese people believe that too much of rush in life will create chaos in life .So they always live life in peace and calm . Too much of hurry will create stressful situations in life.

To live happier and longer life once should always avoid rush moments in life . Current lifestyle provokes the rush but ultimate result of such rush are harmful for our peaceful life.

3)  Don't fill your stomach 

Japanese people avoid having food with full stomach . They follow the discipline of having only 80 % of stomach capacity . Having full stomach will make you lethargic and dull .

Having limited meal specially in small dishes will keep you active throughout the day .Our body respond well in limited version of intake .

4) Surround yourself with good friends 

Having good social life and spending regular time with friends will make your life more meaningful . Japanese people always maintain routine to visit social groups daily to share thoughts and happiness together.

These people find more meaning to life by social welfare . They meet regularly , share their thoughts and moments together. Friends in life will help you out in troubles or will always be there to share joyful moments in your life .

5) Get in shape for your next birthday

Physical fitness is prime to our longer life . They always prefer walking for more than 5-10 kms. daily. Simple body movements will keep your body healthy and active.

Yoga and meditation is part of their daily life . Paying more attention towards physical fitness will keep your mind peaceful . Fitness is main reason for their longevity. 

6) Smile

Smile is the best tool to keep your surrounding happy . Your simple act of smile will make most of the people forget their sorrow or grief . Smiling person always attract happiness in life. 

Smile is the best exercise for your face . During smiling your entire face muscles get activated and which will release stress and dullness on your face .  

7) Reconnect with nature 

Our current lifestyle keeping us far away from nature . Main cause of current health issues is that we are loosing our nature bliss and benefits we derive by being in touch with it .

We are adopting lifestyle where we always get engrossed in technological gadgets . Being in touch with nature will make you refreshed and pure oxygen will make your body active .

8) Give thanks 

Giving thanks to everyone signifies what how much you appreciate your life . Thanking others will make you happy and grateful . Simple act of thanking will change your attitude towards life.

Always say thanks for small acts . Appreciating others for their efforts will make them grateful and never miss a single opportunity to say thanks for small help .

9) Live in the moment

Japanese people always prefer to live in present moments . They believe that dwelling in past regrets or worry of future will still your present beautiful moments .

Worry is the major cause of reduction in life expectancy . Simply accepting life with grace will make your life more happy . Today is all we have , make the most of it .

10) Follow your ikigai 

Everyone has ikigai in their life . We really need to find our ikigai . If you follow your purpose in life then you will live longer to serve your purpose.

Those people who live longer are the one who serve others better .Purpose driven people make their life more meaningful by enjoying the journey towards their fulfilling dreams . 

Final Thoughts 

  " Happiness is always determined by your heart " 

Everyone has ikigai in their life by doing which they fill fulfilled and they will live longer to serve their purpose . We really need to look for that thing . 

We should not worry too much about finding it .If you closely evaluate your life preferences and  choices they you will get to know.

Once you discover your ikigai , pursuing it and nurturing it every day will bring meaning to your life . the moment your life has this purpose , you will achieve a happy state of flow in all you do .

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