How to be hopeful in bad times or hard times

How to be hopeful in bad times or hard times 

" Character cannot be developed in ease & quiet ,only through the experience of trial & suffering can the soul be strengthened "

When we are going through bad times, we feel like there is no way out of this problems. We keep our fear of failure rising by thinking worst case scenarios that could happen. We worry a lot by imaging the what worst can happen in near future, so that feelings will fuel your bad moods and you lose your hope.

We get overwhelmed by the emotions, that we are into big trouble and which is difficult to handle. We feel that current life situation is the utmost priority in life, we can't be happy unless and until we get solution.

Accept that you will have to face the difficult situations in life. Most of us waste our energy in resistance by saying why this problems are frequently occurring in my life? Those who are prepared to deal with the problems generally don't get distressed much than others who reject the problems or try to run away from the problems.

" You have to survive the storms by adjusting wind "

Holding on one problem & not moving on or not taking necessary actions to resolve that problem create hard feelings. We get overwhelmed in such situation so we get drifted by feelings of distress and negativity. We lose track of life if you can't control your feelings at right time in bad situations. 

 6 ways to keep your hope alive or face fear of unknown

1) Look for the good in every situation

It doesn't matter how hard it may sound but there is always opportunity in adversity. Every life situation we have will make you mature & wiser. Main intentions behind the troubles are to make your life more mature and give you life experiences.

Always have attitude of seeking opportunity in every situations. Try to see what good thing we can learn or capture to make our life enriched with experiences. Positive attitude in life will seek only positive things in bad situations or troubling times. Cultivate the habit to have positive outlook in all the life situations.

2) Always seek the valuable lesson in every setback or difficulty 

Hard times always teaches valuable life lessons. Character is developed only through tough time & struggles. While going through the hard time you will get chance to learn a life lessons. This tough time take as a learning curve in life growth.

Learn valuable lessons that will help you to advance in future life with  better decision makings . Through your experiences you can guide others for their endeavors.

3) Look for the solution to every problem 

There is always a hope . We really need to focus our attention on finding solution. Don't get trapped by problem itself which will obscure your problem solving capabilities. If you are willing to face the problem then definitely you will find the way out.

Try to understand nature of your problem, take help from expert for better clarity. Once you have strong determination towards your goal then you will strive hard for solutions. All the success stories have been gone through the darkest day in their life.

4) Believe in yourself / focus on self development 

During bad times we doubt on our capabilities. You really need to understand that it's so obvious to feel low confident. Believe in yourself, on your strengths.

Focus on development of your personality. During this time you need to keep mental balance, so practice meditation for keeping mind cool. With self confidence you can overcome this situation with positivity and growth mind set.

To release from stress & anxiety, maintain daily routine of exercise. Make sure your body sweats, that will release endorphins, stress  reliving hormones. 

5) Grow through pain and suffering 

Your pain is a part of your life puzzle. Always see bigger picture in life. You can't find real sense or meaning  by looking at one piece of puzzle. You have to connect frames together for clarity .

Problems will be there is life but suffering is optional. You have the power to control your suffering. Those who look bad time as a situation which  need to deal, they generally suffer less. Your perspective towards the problem decide the suffering level from the situation.

 "Growth can only occur in deep pain , create deeper meaning for your life " 

Real transformations in life happens after going through suffering. You will understand greater dimensions of life & progress. Every successful person have gone through the failures and tough times but they have overcome the situation with hope and optimism.

6) Never give up mindset 

It takes time so please wait , don't hurry - enjoy the process. Never give in attitude will make you strong to fight against negative emotions. Those who look current situation as a temporary obstacle in the path of success those who make through it.

Be deterministic, only perseverance and patience will give you big  success in life. Running away from problems will not make you strong. Strong people don't stay broken or never give up easily.

Final Thoughts 

 " Anything is possible if you believe in yourself and keep going " 

Hard times in life comes to make you strong, wiser or better. Accept this challenge and learn to grow through process of suffering & pain.

It takes time so please have patience, do not hurry to give up easily. Let's life unfold or revel on it's right time When things feel like impossible understand this moment will pass.

Strong people don't stay broken or never ever give up. Be optimistic .Good things always takes time .Keep on going then your success is sure. 

        "In the end it will workout"

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