Why we are always unhappy?

 cause of unhappiness

" At the root of all misery is unfulfilled desires "

All of us are in search of happiness but we confront most of the situations of unhappiness in life. We always wonder why do we have so much of unhappiness in our life ? 

Let's get into the root cause of our unhappiness . Main cause of our unhappiness is our unfulfilled desires . When we expect something and we get it easily, then we are too much happy and life seems to be very happening and excited .

  " The expectation of happiness creates a lot of unhappiness "

When our desires don' t get fulfill ,then we feel unhappy and feeling of anger and rage pops up . Now we need to understand why we have desires in life ? After fulfilling one desire again next desire come to surface for fulfilling .

Why do we have so many desires in life ? 

Our basic nature is to always live happy life. We are such created that we must have happy moments all the time . Happiness is our inner instinct which is integral part and characteristics of human being .

When we have moments in life where we are deprived of happiness, we get the emotions of bad feelings. This is the indication that we are going away from our true identity or nature . 

Main reason for desire is that we contemplate happiness in objects or things . When we have that object in our life we assume that we will be happy . e.g. buying refrigerator in home will may me happy .

We get emotionally attached to the object for our happiness . The attachment to object creates craving to have that object in our life . Then we have desire to buy that object so that we will get happiness .

When we buy that object then we feel too much happy . In case we are unable to get the desired object then we have bad feelings which is our unfulfilled desires . Then we start getting angry or raged . Unfulfilled desires then make you unhappy and you run behind the object by assuming that it's source of my happiness .

" The greatest happiness is to know the source of unhappiness "

Even if your desired get fulfilled you will be happy for few days , then after that you will loose interest in that object . After fulfilling of desire you crave more desires in life which makes you greedy . Desire cycle will keep spinning and you will get trapped in that cycle .

Main happiness is not the result of which object we get but , it's because of feeling of happiness behind achievement that object which makes object important for you . 

We are always naturally get attracted to bliss or happiness . There is no end to desires in our life. So if you divert your feelings for happiness instead of object into some more valuable in life then you will never have to suffer for unfulfilled desires .

Having desires is so natural and because of that universe keep expanding by fulfilling our desires. Desires are created by contrast i.e. the things which we lack always get attracted towards it easily or by experiences by observing others achievements .

Understand that our desires are not going to end , so the best way is to  divert these desires into devotion of GOD . Because GOD is the source of happiness or ocean of bliss . You will never have any shortage of his blessing so you life will be always happy and contended .

Bliss and well being is always flowing from source , so be the seeker to avail the blessings and ultimate source to fulfill all our never ending desires is the GOD . Being in vicinity of source your mind will be peaceful and all your desires will be subsided with elixir of  devotion. 

Final Thoughts 

" The primary cause  of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it "

The main cause of our unhappiness is our never ending desires . We always want to be happy by fulfilling our desires which we seek in objects .

Unhappiness is the emotional bad feelings we have due to our unfulfilled desires . So always choose your desires consciously . Be wise enough to avoid running behind incessant desires in life .

Ultimate source of happiness and bliss is the GOD. So always try to contemplate happiness by devotion to the ultimate source of bliss and well being .

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23 October 2020 at 05:56 ×

Don't have too much expectations

Congrats bro Pind you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...

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