Why we should stay away from negative people

            avoid negative people or influence

Negative people run their life engine on the fuel supply of fake praises and false promises & thrive. A positive person can drive them off & out by just cutting down this supply pipeline

As our thoughts form our world .What you think about expands and what you dwell on determines your destiny .Your thoughts are shaped by the people you surrounded .

As we are most of the time get surrounded by negative people , eventually they will make you negative and cynical .As our thoughts are influenced by the surrounding , we will start undermining our true potential .

Our surrounding people influence the social life, we start getting associated with most of the negative type of person .Our bad habits are mostly due to association with bad people or surroundings.

How we are making progress in our life is directly related with the type of person we are always surrounded in life . Choose surrounding wisely depend on which type of life you desire .

Why we should stay away from negative people

·    They shapes your moods and thoughts

With how you get surrounded decide which type of thoughts you have in life . Mostly negative people make you feel always guilty or they feed your mind with the thoughts of criticism and hatred .

Our mood is the result of thoughts in our mind . Being surrounded by negative influences will create emotions of anger and rage. Our daily mood get affected by our surrounding people.

·     They create your belief system

What we have belief about anything is direct result of our surroundings . When we are surrounded by negative peoples they will portray life as problems , struggles , suffering or pain.

What we hear from our surrounding people we make it as our thoughts . What others have been telling us we blindly believe since long ago . Negative people will always tell you that you that life is difficult and there is too much of competition in market .

·     They interfere with your opinion & decision making

Before achieving any big dream first you have to imagine it . Negative people will always interfere with your decision making . Your decisions will be dominated with negative opinions of others .

Your life is the result of good or bad influences you have in your life . While taking any important decisions in life , they will make you change your opinion .

·      They shapes your dream or destiny

Those who dream big are the successful people . Your destiny is the result of your dream amd effort you made towards achieving that dream .

Negative people will not allow you dream big . They will make you feel that we are not born with the prosperity . We don’t have enough resources to achieve big milestones or success.

·      They make you more negative & cynical

When we are surrounded by negative energies , we will get attracted towards the negative thoughts and mindset towards all life situations  .

When we have hard time in life , negative people will only demotivate you . They will make your problem more miserable by predicting your future more worst and precarious.

·      They hamper on your personal growth

Your personal growth depend on the which people you are associated with . There is always scope of improvement and advance in life endeavors .

Negative people will always underestimate your potential by telling that you are not capable to take big steps towards grand success or achievements.

Your true potential will try to surface often but negative people will suppress it by making you feel deprived of potential or powers .

·     They distract you from your goals – life track

Negative people will always distract you from your core pursuits . They will present you more escape routes and shortcut methods to achieve success in life .

Your life track will be get derailed due to negative people influence or suggestions .So always stay away from negative influences which distract you aim .

·      They will take your benefit

Those negative people get associated with you as friend with the intention to take benefits from you . They are so mean they will leave you behind in trouble.

While choosing your friend circle always have this perspective in mind . Those who genuinely what to help you will not expect any remunerations or benefits .

·      They are source of misery and despair in personal life

Always surrounded with pessimistic thoughts will make you more miserable in life . Your personal or family life may get distracted due to cynical behavior .

Negative people will create negative perspective towards your married life . They will make you feel that you have family which always nags you .

·    They will shape your behavior  and habits  

Your behavior is influenced by surrounded people . You will always try to imitate your closed one.Your thoughts and behavior trend have major impact of surrounding .

Negative people will create hostile environment where mostly negative energy coexist . They will train you to give more excuses so to run away from life problems or  reality .

Your bad habits and addictions are mostly due to social pressure . While spending time with bad people they will make you addict by deriving pleasures from drugs or alcoholism .


Final Thoughts

“The biggest problem is that negative people don’t ever recognize that they have a problem, Conflicts are always someone else’s fault , if they can’t be resoned with , get away from the toxic atmosphere “

Your Life will be shaped simply by choosing better surrounded . Those how are wise enough to stay away from negative atmosphere will only prosper in their life .

Negative people will distract you from your core life purpose.They will make you more negative. They will change perspective towards life as troubles or hurdles .

Over the coming weeks , take steps to make the environment you work and live in a better one . You will quickly observe improvements in the way you think, feel and act .
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