How to control Anger

Ways to control Anger

     " Anger is never without a reason , but seldom with a good one " _ Benjamin Franklin 

Anger is the emotion which is the body’s reaction to the unpleasant moments . Anger is created when we choose our response to the situation in aggressive way . When someone does the thing which we don’t expect them to do then we get angry.

Basically when our desires or expectations doesn’t get fulfilled the way we expect , that moment we respond to it by emotion of anger or rage . We have created some beliefs or mindset about everything . When things falls out of our expectations zone then our response to it changes to anger.

Having set expectations for every person or situations is the main cause of our anger .  We have choice over how to respond to the situation even though that fall out of the expectations set by ourselves .

Selecting wiser response to situation is the best way to control your anger . We have to face so many situations where life doesn’t happen the way we want .If you keep on getting angry for each and every situations then your life will be real mess.

Basically there are some techniques to change the way you respond to situations .Rather than getting emotional we can choose rational response to the situation. Controlling anger require dedicated effort to monitor causes of the emotional imbalances and changing the pattern of response.

The problem with losing your temper on a daily basis is that it becomes a habit and after few repetitive actions will make it second nature .Keeping your cool in a moment of crisis can save you years of pain and anguish.

Instantly we get angry over someone but after few moments of losing temper we realize that we have hurt the person for a trivial reason or actions .Regret of getting angry often is the one step closer to your pursuit to take control over it.

Ways to control your Anger

Awareness about nature of anger

Anger is the temporary emotion which arises due to unpleasant situation and thoughts about the situations. Pressure and stress in our life is causing us to get short temper easily .Always try to understand nature of your anger.

What makes you get angry ? what are the main causes or occasions ? by understanding your root cause of your anger you can take necessary actions to control it.

Most of us are not aware or don’t accept that we lose our temper easily . Not accepting the faults will never give you the chance to take actions to control it.   

Don’t be victim of the truck of garbage

We are surrounded by so many negative peoples . They are carrying their “ Truck of garbage” which contain hatred , criticism , rage , anger , faults , expectations ,jealously , hurts , ego . Whenever we come across such people they try to dump their truck of garbage upon you and try to derive pleasure out of it .

So beware of such negative influences where they always keep searching someone to fight with and dump the garbage on them . Anger is more vulnerable to this truck of garbage . Keep safe distance from such negative people or situations .

Count to 100 before you respond

Anger is temporary reaction if you could able to hold on for a moment then you can change your response to angry situation .Simply counting to 100 will divert your attention from angry reaction and you can them respond to person with ease.

Hold tight grip of fist & deep breathe

When you want to respond person with anger just hold on for a second . Try to take control of situation by holding tight grip of fist for a few second that will divert than energy into resistance to fist gripping.

Taking deep breathe before responding to situation will calm you down .Once you get some time to choose your response you can reduce intensity of anger.

Avoid irritation in traffic or queue

 Mostly we get irritated in traffic where someone in front of your vehicle move slowly .We scream or yell at the slow driver .Some of driver will cross you with rush .

Standing in long queue makes us more irritating . So reduce chances of getting angry we should try to make this journey more pleasant by listening interesting music , radio ,motivational audiotapes etc.

Empathy and maturity

Without trying to understand others situations we instantly get angry over someone . If you take enough efforts to try to understand real situation of person sometimes you will later regret for your actions.

Let’s have some maturity while dealing with unpleasant peoples . They are acting out of their ignorance or immaturity but we must have that much maturity to overlook their faults.

Overlook minor faults & Rational expectations from others

In parenting we experience more anger towards our children .Main cause of anger is that they are not behaving that way we want . So don’t be carried away by expectations or desires from your children .

Always have maturity to overlook minor faults of others . If you keep on responding with anger then you will be more susceptible . Have rational expectations from others so that you will not fill betrayed .

Don’t get over stressed at work

Too much of work pressure and stress at workplace makes you more vulnerable to get angry easily .Present days work life has changed drastically to boost the work pressure .

When we are stressed then we get irritated with everything . Simple acts from family members will make you more irritating . Your work life balance will be at stake . Make wise choices of balancing life .

Change your diet and habits

What we intake will mostly decide the behavior of our body . Too much spicy food and excessive meat consumption will tend your body to get angry easily .

That’s why most of the sages or saints suggest to have vegetarian diet , which makes our mind calm and cool temperament .

Meditate -Take control of thoughts

If you still find difficult to control your responses then the last and best way is to start meditating regularly . Meditation will give you better control over your emotions.

Regularly mediating habit will make you very calm and peaceful person . Even in worst situations your response to situation will be peaceful and you can observe better control over anger .

Final revelations

We are getting too much harmed by anger. Too much of expectations and desires from others is the main cause of our anger . Present life style where we are too much under pressure of performance also causing you to get angry .

Angry can be controlled by wisely choosing response to the unpleasant situations. Habit of getting angry over every trivial matters will make your life more miserable and unhappy .

It doesn’t matter which circumstances we are surrounded , our thoughts about the situation decide the way we respond and act on the situation .So have close watch on thoughts and choose positive response to all the unpleasant situations.
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