Secret of happiness is to love yourself

Secret of happiness is to love yourself

We all are in search of happiness throughout the life. We are trying hard and doing every possible thing to create happy life. We obviously try to find happiness in materialistic objects. Having every possible materialistic objects surrounded in life may not guarantee the eternal happiness.

When we buy new home or car , how long does that excitement lasts may be not more than a month or two. Eventually new things will become old and you start losing interest in that. 

So can we say that eternal happiness can be found in materialistic things ? I don't think so.

How can one get the long lasting happiness ? 

If external things are not sure means for eternal things then it must be some where else. Right??

Root cause of our need for happiness is not external things but it is hidden inside our self . One of the core of internal happiness is self love. How often we heed to the inner callings or inner inclinations. We are too much crowded by the external people expectations and wants. 

We try to imitate others to bring happiness in our personal life. What others think or feel about us matters a lot. So we run behind meeting expectations of others.

Why we buy more luxuries car than our neighbors? just only to show case , that I am also have much more money and earning than you. If you keep following others to bring happiness and inner joy then you will never get that peace in life.

When you love yourself first thing you give up is comparison with others. If you love yourself then you will not try to copy others for their lifestyle. Self love means living the life the way we want. Inner joy or peace can be achieved simply by listening to inner voice. 

When we love our self then only you can shower love and happiness towards others. Those who are already frustrated in their life will never ever appreciate others success or they will never participate in joy of others. Rather they will derive more pleasure in others failures or losses.

Self love means living life with joy and self inclination. When we start appreciating what ever we have in life or be grateful for the things we have achieved in life then only you will start loving yourself. Attitude of gratitude matters a lot to love oneself or appreciate efforts of others.

If you have any doubts, please let me know ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon
