How to live a life to the fullest
1. Physical Health
2. Family and relationship balance
Human beings are social creatures. In order to survive in this universe, you need to have social relations. Your family is at the center of your social circle. In order to make best use of life one should have balanced social life and relationship.
If you don't find enough time to spend with family, then you will lose social life as a result of it there will be imbalance in work life equation. Unless you have the balance between your job and family you will never going to achieve best out of the life.
3. Wealth and money satisfaction
Human being has three basic needs Food, Shelter and cloths. To survive one need all these needs to be fulfilled. If you don't earn enough to fulfill these needs, you will struggle to live a life. If you have enough money to afford these needs, then only you can think of expanding the life possibilities.
One should have good wealth accumulation to survive. Now a days we are running behind the money. Despite of having enough wealth we have desire to gain more and more, this never-ending desire is creating the unsatisfaction in life.
4. Work and career growth
Work has major contribution in our life. We are spending almost half of our life in doing work. If you don't have good work to perform, then you will be wasting major life investing in the work which you don't love to do.
Always prefer to do work which you really care about even if you get paid less it doesn't matter at the end of day you will have internal satisfaction that you are doing something which you value much. If you are doing out of compulsion, then you will get stressed to perform well. Career growth will happen if you love what you are doing. Never settle for less keep trying to find the area where you wanted to work for.
5. Spiritual wellness
At some point of life where you will hit bottom hard, or you will go through painful situations where you will need some external force to surpass the situation. Despite of all your efforts situation will be out of control where you have to have faith in supreme power.
Spiritual dimension of life is very much important to make that balance in life. Spiritual life will help you to have balanced life in terms of spiritual dimensions. If you follow spirituality, then you will have strength and power to deal with all the life situations.
6. Mental well-being
Mental wellbeing is being mostly neglected. In reality psychological well-being is very crucial to make best of your life. Psychological problems are not being addressed properly. Mental wellness can be achieved through the meditation techniques. Mind control means dealing with thoughts and emotions. If you are capable of understanding nature of your thoughts and emotions, then you can have that balance in life.
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