Stages of Consciousness / Awareness
Meditation means consciousness.
Whatever you do consciously is meditation. It is not a question of what the action is, but of the quality you bring to the action. Walking can be meditation, if you walk consciously. Sitting can be meditation, if you can sit consciously. Listening to the chirping of birds can be meditation, if you can listen consciously. Or simply listening to the sounds of the mind within you can become meditation, if you can be aware and witness.
The whole point is that you don't keep sleeping. Then whatever happens, there will be meditation.
First stage of consciousness
The first step to consciousness is to be fully aware of your body. Gradually one becomes aware of every gesture, of every movement. And as soon as you start becoming aware, a miracle starts happening: many things that you used to do before simply fall away. Your body becomes more relaxed, more in rhythm. A deep peace spreads even in the body, a subtle music spreads in the body.
Second stage of consciousness
Then start being aware of your thoughts. Just as you used to be conscious towards the body, do the same towards your thoughts. Thoughts are more subtle than the body, and consequently more difficult. And when you become aware of thoughts, you will be surprised what goes on inside. If you write down what goes on inside at any given moment, you will be amazed.
You will not be able to believe what all this goes on inside. Then after ten minutes read it - you will find that a mad mind is sitting inside! Since we are not conscious, all this madness goes on like an undercurrent. It affects what you do or what you don't do. Everything is affected. And the sum total of all these is going to become your life. That's why this crazy person inside has to change. And the miracle of consciousness is that you don't have to do anything except be aware.
The very event of seeing it is its transformation. Gradually this madness dissipates. By and by the thoughts begin to acquire a rhythm; Their chaos vanishes and their coherence begins to appear. And then a deeper stillness descends. Then when your body and mind are peaceful, you will see that they are also in harmony with each other, a bridge between them. They no longer run in different directions; Now they don't ride on two horses. For the first time there is a peace within and this peace is very helpful - in meditating on the third plane and that is - being aware of your feelings and emotions.
Third stage of consciousness
This is the subtlest level and also the most difficult. But if you have become conscious of thoughts, then it is only a step forward. A little deeper awareness and you will become aware of your feelings and experiences. Once you become aware of these three dimensions, then all three merge into one phenomenon. When these three come together – become active and sound together, then you can feel their music, all three become one harmony – then the fourth step Turiya happens – you cannot do that. The fourth is from oneself. It is a gift from the whole of existence; This is a reward for those who have achieved the first three steps.
Pinnacle of consciousness
The fourth stage is the peak of consciousness, which makes a person awake. One becomes aware of the senses – this is the fourth. The person becomes Buddha – wakes up. And it is in this awakening that one realizes what is ultimate bliss. The body knows the pleasures of the body; The mind knows happiness; The heart knows joy and fourth, the trumpet knows joy. Bliss is the goal of sannyas, of the seeker of truth – and awareness is the way to it.
The important thing is that you are aware, that you have not forgotten to be aware, that you are the witness, the seer, the alert. And as the watcher becomes more intense, more steady, more trembling – a transformation happens: the visions begin to dissolve. For the first time the seer himself becomes the seen. The seer himself becomes the seen. you came back home.
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