Meditative way - On Mission to make world meditative


           Meditative way -  On Mission to make world meditative

Yoga (Meditation) has been very ancient technique in Indian culture to live happier and peaceful life. Yoga has diversified practices and methods evolved right now, however the end purpose it serves is controlling the mind bring peace and make life happy. Many sages and saints in India have practiced yoga for ages. After proving the utility of mediation for bringing peace of mind, they have propagated the importance to their disciples and taught meditation for many years.

Word Yoga has simple meaning “Union “. Yoga helps you to unite with the true identity. Yoga helps to align your body and mind with the universe by establishing connection with cosmos. Most of us pretend yoga means playing around the body, merely twisting and bending body but this isn’t ultimate utility of yoga. Yoga in broader sense has many dimensions to it.

Meditation is one of them where your efforts are meant to make your mind more peaceful. Meditation means all the practices and techniques to bring harmony between body and mind. India has been spearheading these meditation techniques throughout the world to make human kind happier and lead peaceful life.

Meditative way is a platform which facilitates your meditative journey. Meditative way is non-profit organization which is on mission to bringing this meditation awareness all across the world. Helping human kind to get benefit from practicing meditation techniques.  Meditation has immense benefits which we are not aware about or we are not utilizing fully. Meditation helps to bring peace of mind and wellness in life. By practicing meditation daily which improves our brain functionality also helps to improve our creativity. Meditation also helps you to improve work performance and groom your overall  personality and well being.

Now days, we all are suffering from stress and lack of work life balance. We are struggling with lot of problems in life. We are always in stress and anxiety which is draining our energy at large. Having not able to deal with suffering and pain in life we all are losing essence of life. We never appreciate life which has very potential to prosper but we are getting consumed by our life issues and struggles.

Basically we all struggle throughout our life. It’s not because life has been too much unfair to us but we don’t know how to bring that balance with life and problems. Mind is the faculty which bringing more conflicts and thoughts which making your life unbalanced. Mind is a culprit which is making our life miserable. Most of our fears and memories which are generated by our MIND are in the form of the thoughts which bringing suffering and pain in life. Meditation’s core function is to bring control over the mind and making life more peaceful.

Meditation in ancient India was developed to bring that balance between life and work. Rather meditation was way of life. So, many ancient yoga masters taught those techniques which helped people to bring harmony in life and work. 

Meditative way is your facilitator which helps you to practice meditation scientifically and bringing  back your life glory which every human being deserves on this earth. Let's embark on this journey of peaceful , stress free ,happier and meditative life.

Free online Meditation awareness program ( Content creation )

Free online weekend sessions and discourses for spreading awareness

Free One on one session for consultation

Use social media for spreading awareness

Outlines :

What is MIND ? Who I am ? Mind conditioning ( finding out  Who I am not )

Present Moment – Psychological time ( Past memories – future imagination - insecurities)

Causes of suffering  - identifying  with Mind , desire and wants , expecting Fruit of every action

Stress Management - Stress enablers – unbalanced life styles , fear of being alone (FOMO),comparisons , showcasing , wrong self image , social anxiety , wrong interpretation of happiness , expectations from parents or  children’s , wrong company of peoples.

Work life balance ( Self examples – struggles and overcoming ) – live examples – case study

Relationship problems – (interpret wrong identity or seek security in which we lack)

Importance of Spirituality - Soul consciousness ( Aadhya-Atman , bramhan)

Quest for searching ultimate truth – lack of fulfillment in life

Mind control techniques – surrender and regular practice – detachments

Dealing with life struggle – Go with flow

Chanting – Kirtan importance – to be in Present moments

Meditation methods – body healing , breathing control , Pranayanas , body relaxing , Affirmations ,  Solitude – being alone

Easy guides or handbook or methodology to adopt this in life – tiny habits , rewards , appreciations , self love and care , self motivations

Self realization or liberation concept  – No body , No mind

The Art of being happy – Happiness

Collective unconsciousness , bringing peace and harmony in human beings

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