Why you should stop complaining and start appreciating others

why to stop complaining

“Every complaint is a little story the mind makes up that you completely believes in “

Complaining is the habit which we have adopted over period of time. We have every reason to complain about but very few occurrences for appreciating others .Complaining is basically trying to impose own opinions on others .When someone don’t follow your instructions or someone does the thing which you don’t like you start complaining.

Complaining further strengthen your ego .When things doesn’t fall the way you want then you start pointing out others mistakes .Complaining habit will always force you to find lacuna's in others rather than appreciating .Those who are carried away by this habit they will never even will be happy in their life .

 Deriving pleasure by pointing out

We are trying to derive pleasure by finding faults in others .We always try to find shortcoming in others then we make fun of it .Pointing out others for faults  is always easy than the suggesting improvement and helping them to grow and prosper in life .

Why we are obsessed with these pleasures??

We feel happy whenever someone fails in their endeavors. Simply blaming others for mistakes won’t add any value into your life or your progress. Have some maturity to understand that you are strengthening your ego that’s it .

Focusing only on bad in others

What we see in others is the self-reflection .Which type of person we are ,as per that we treat others. If you have already achieved success through hard work and dedication then you will always appreciate those who are struggling to make a way for success .

Complaining is the personality which focus only on bad in others .They never look at brighter side , they will keep their focus on what is going wrong in other’s life . Focusing in bad in others will make you life perspective wrong towards others as well as towards yourself .

Envy or jealous of others

When we feel that someone is more successful than us , then we start feeling jealous about them .We compare others only for final success which is visible to world but we don’t want to look at how hard they has worked to get that success in life .

Complaining others due to envoy or jealousy makes you feel good .We are just strengthening our emotions of comparison by complaining .Rather than comparing if you appreciate their success and learn the techniques from then will add more value to your life .

Wrong perspective or predictions about others

What we see may not be the truth, it depend on our perspective .We keep on blaming others for not fulfilling our expectations or desires. We are not aware about the lens through which we are seeing this situation.

We have script ready for everyone in other life .The predictions we have made are totally depend on our belief system .What we have observed or grasped till this life span will make your judgment about others .

We judge others based on our beliefs but we never what to examine the truth or reality of our perspectives. We keep on complaining for not matching with expectation but we have to look into the basic algorithm of our program.

Underestimate and Label others by face value

We feel like we are experts in all the fields of knowledge .We try to overvalue our self by underestimating others. But the fact is that to hide your ignorance you make excuses or simply complain others saying that they are not performing as per expectations or standards .

We always make judgment or pass comments based on the face values . We never know what depth of knowledge they might be having but we try to pass loose comments by face values or appearances. Complaining others for not having talent make them feel more talented .

Don’t appreciate efforts of others

Those who are habitual of complaining will keep on finding faults in everything .We are too much surrounded by such personalities who try to find situation or person to complain about. Those who don’t love themselves are the one who will never appreciate others .

We should always appreciate others for their efforts to boost their efforts .You are the reason for your unhappiness in your life .Instead finding faults if you change your perspective towards gratitude then you will start appreciating others .

Expectations from everyone else

We have expectations from everyone. They should do the things the way we want or else they will be treated as offenders .We only want others to serve us but we never make any efforts to serve others .This mentality of selfishness makes you complain more about others. 

We have feelings that this government ,peoples, relatives ,spouse, children’s are not listening to our ideologies. When things go wrong then we start blaming everyone for their inefficiencies .We feel that they should behave the way we want else we complain .

Trying to impose own opinions on others

As a parent they always complain about their children for not meeting the expectations in study or in social behaviors. They have feelings of dominance over the children , they expect them to listen and fulfill their desires or dreams .

Why we are trying to impose our opinions??

 So don’t force others to live the life the way you want, let them have their own freedom or choices to live life. Don’t complain others for not behaving the way you want because everyone has their own priorities or interest to serve.

Trying to dominate others due to self-insecurity or deficiency

Those who feel insecure about their job or position they will try to defend it by making others feel downgraded. They will always try to dominate you by coercion . People try to hide their deficiencies by complaining others for not having enough maturity to understand.

Simply complaining or fault finding will not strengthen your deficiencies some other day it will be surfaced. Stop criticism to make yourself superior than others .These low politics will not last longer. Superiority has to be gained by more values and integrity in life .  

You are not always right

Why we are trying to prove our-self right always??

Remember that no one is perfect on this earth, everyone has some lacuna .Complaining means feeling superior or assuming yourself fault free . Awareness about oneself and appreciating small efforts of others will reduce your habit of complaining always .

Don't try to prove yourself right all the time .Those who don't accept others opinions ,they never learn from others .Don't shut your doors of knowledge and experiences by pretending yourself always right.


 Final Thoughts

We never want to self-examine before blaming others .We Even don’t want to change our self, rather we keep on defending our beliefs and opinions.

Complaining or fault finding is a bad habit which will eventually make your life more miserable .You will suffer a lot because you think that others are the reason for your unhappiness.

Complaining others you are trying to feed fuel to your ego .Ego will always force you to point out others and feel satisfied by underestimating others.

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