"You can't just wish for a better life , you must go out there and create it"
Everyone wants to live a better life, but very few of us are ready to change our self . Life is beautiful. The way you look towards life decide the beauty of it.
Living better life is choice. We have that power to mold our life as per our choices in life. To lead better life one should look within yourself.
Simple things in life are always joyful but we are the who always wants things to be complicated. We don't consider simple way, but look for more complex solutions.
Simple techniques described in this article will change your perspective towards life . By changing our response we can make our life much more happier and fulfilled.
4 ways to avoid problems and live a better life
1) Non-resistance
Whenever we encounter with any life situations we simply offer resistance to situation. We don't want any troubles or problems in life. Everything has to be smooth going.
When we don't accept the situation we have in front of us, that will build discomfort with the situations. We start feeling overwhelmed by thoughts that always i have to suffer a lot.
Resistance to problem will only build up suffering and pain. The force with which you keep on resisting, with same force problem will get worsen and you will suffer a lot .
Only way to deal with is acceptance. Acceptance towards all life problems or trouble will reduce the intensity of suffering and consequences of feelings.
Accept all life situations with grace. Accepting them will fortify your problem solving capability. Instead of resistance we divert our attentions and focus on problem solving.
Simply accepting life as it is the best way to go ahead in life with flow. Just like flowing water always find a way by changing the path without wasting time to overcome obstacle in the way.
2) Non-judgment
We always judge people, relation or life situations. The basis of our judgment is mind pattern which is created by influence of our surrounding or own life experiences.
We keep on judging others for others non-compliance. Judge will lead to criticism or condemning others for their behavior or disposition. Try to understand reality behind the scene. After understanding reality you will later regret for your behavior.
Most of the time our judgments are wrong or biased depend on our own thought process. Judging others will only satisfy your ego to underestimate others or find lacuna.
Because of our wrong judgment, we don't find opportunity in difficult situations or struggles in life. Your judgments may be wrong , but the actions you take on that basis will worsen the situations.
Simply living life with non-judgment will change prospective towards everything. You will see the things as nature as they are. So your life experiences will be enriched.
Non-judging or comparing others will resolve most of the worries or problems which are created due to wrong interpretations or assumptions.
3) Non-complaint
We are too much habitual of complaining others all the time. We never look within our self, we think that others are the culprit for our unhappiness or troubles in life.
Complaining nature will attract only troubles in life . Instead of focusing on good, we always keep cursing the deficiencies in the all walks of life.
Complaining always gives some people more pleasure in life, so they attract all the matters of disputes or conflicts to get intervened.
When we keep on complaining in our relationship that will create more differences in opinions. Simply we keep on spoiling our lovely relations because of complaining nature.
If you change you life attitude by non-complaining that will make your life more meaningful or graceful. Simply accept others as they are.
Complaining nature is not allowing us to appreciate life for things which already we have. We keep on chasing the unknown by neglecting the enjoyment of whatever we have.
4) Forgiveness
We keep so much of past regrets, faults, mistakes, wrong decisions close to our heart . Holding past suffering on shoulders will increase burden over period of time.
Memories of past people or relations are hard to forget but living with those memories will always keep on triggering your pain body and will bring more sorrow in present life.
We have to keep moving in life that's how life has designed for everyone. Holding on past will not allow you to enjoy the freedom of future .
Forgiving others as well as yourself is the way towards better life & prosperity in relationships. Always have that much maturity to let go those things which are troubling you or spoiling present.
Forgiveness is the core of our married life. If you keep on fighting for yesterday issue then you will never be able to live a peaceful life & relationships.
Final Thoughts
" Everyone wants a better life , very few of us want to be better people "
Leading a better life is always a choice that we have to choose. Living life with integrity and understanding will make journey more meaningful and happening.
Accepting life as it is , will relish all your pains and suffering. Acceptance will give you more energy and enthusiasm to fight against the problems.
Don't judge everyone for their success or behaviors. We never know what is the ground reality , we judge based on external appearances.
Forgiveness will release you from all the burdens or sufferings as you don't hold any of them. Forget the past which is main cause of your present sufferings.
Always adopt the simple lifestyle which will be non-resisting, non-complaint, non-judgmental, forgiveness.
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