5 easy ways to manage work stress (B3MP)

5 easy ways to deal with work stress and anxiety management 

5 steps to physical , emotional and spiritual health 

How to overcome stress and anxiety 

Work stress has been very common phenomenon in corporate culture. Dynamic nature of business and always push for more profitability has created performance pressure on corporates working. 

Work Stress has become integral part of corporate life, where you have to perform or perish. To meet such unrealistic expectations we are struggling hard and it has created stress and anxiety for working professionals. Late night working , extended work , No time for breaks , too much stress has impaired our ability to have peaceful work life balance. 

Its fact we can't run away from work or family liabilities , only way out is to learn skills to deal with work stress and learn techniques to deal with stress. We have to adopt some strategies to reduce burdens and have peace of mind. 

Below are 5 easy ways to adopt in lifestyle to deal with work stress.

1) Breathing 

If you observe keenly when we are stressed our breathing becomes narrow. If you are too much under stress then your body will start sweating's or body will shake slowly. Major impact of stress can be observed by how breathing happening.

Breathing exercise where you have take deep breaths so that more intake of oxygen will reduce down stress level piled up. Simple 5 min breathing exercise during work time will slow down stress impact on body . 

Daily morning spare 15 min to take deep breaths, follow breathing exercises . Simplest way to deal with stress is start daily breathing exercises.

2) Meditation 

Meditation has power to deal with negative thoughts. They reduce negative thoughts considerably so that stress level will reduce drastically. You might have observed when you get overwhelmed with negative thoughts your stress level increases. 

Crowded negative thoughts are root cause of stress. All these thoughts also generate work stress.

If I will be able to complete target or not ?

Why I have to work hard or why  too much work pressure for me ? 

Meditation is a process of observing your thoughts objectively. Sit for 20 minutes. Simply observe your breathing. Inhale and exhale. Rise and fall of belly. Simply pay attention to breathing. Once you start with meditation eventually you will find good results.

3) Mindfulness 

Mindfulness is technique of observing things closely. Living in present moment. We are always trapped in psychological time or past memories or future imaginations. Main trouble is that our past regrets are not allowing us to live in present moment , while future imaginations of fearful outcome destroying present happiness.

Mindfulness means observing things or doing each activity with full attention to it. If you focus of present moment or present activities then you will not have stress.

4) Mindset 

Mindset has lot to do with how happy you are. It is very essential that you should have mindset of abundance. Attitude of gratitude will allow you to be happy for whatever you have. 

Positive mindset means always be grateful. Always appreciate others. Don't complain always. Enjoying life with flow. Accepting life challenges and deal with them optimistically. 

5) Physical Exercise

Only easy way to reduce stress is move you body. Physical exercise like walking for 30 minutes daily have proved major health benefits. Simply act of moving your body and keeping it active will reduce stress. 

Practice daily all  these easy go ways to reduce work stress. No other way you have to avoid the work stress. How you deal with stress and what you do to reduce it impact is the only way to have peace of mind.

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