Why we get attracted towards negative things easily

Why we easily get attracted to negative thought , negative information, negative people , emotions and habits  

We as a human being are capable to imagine things which are not in real. We have mind and intelligence to predict future or imagine future the way we want. This imagination ability has become curse for human being. As we have created so many complications with our intelligence, our mind is the faculty which has ability to imagine future. 

But we always use this imagination power in terms of generating fear or negative thoughts of future outcome. We hardly imagine something positive or optimistic but mostly our imagination go with fear of future or pessimistic approach towards future results.

Instead of attracting more positive why we are so conditioned to attract negative things in life ?

We easily get into bad habits or attract the negative people in life or get attention towards negative information so quickly or always seek others attention by expressing how much pain you have in life.

All these tendencies we acquired is result of the our past mind conditionings. Our Mind has been conditioned in such a fashion that what every negative outcome are possible it will imagine to the extend of negativity. 

Our society has induced the fear in our life. They always warn you if you don't succussed then no one will respect you , if you don't score good marks you will left alone in friends , if you don't get good earning job you will not respected in society. 

All the parental pressure to be successful or earn more money , get good paid job , have fame or success etc. has burden us to always run behind success only. We are in deep fear of if I get fail then what will happen. This conditioning created by society and parents are root cause of always in state of fear of failure. You don't want to fail at any cost. Why people will say has destroyed life of so many people around us. Also younger people are victim of this mentality od society to set expectations for everything.

What information we are receiving every day from news is full of fear since it has been part of mind conditioning since childhood. We have trained minds to be always in fear. Obviously we are going to attract fearful thoughts or information easily. 

We all have fear so we don't want to take risk , we want our self to be in protected zone. When we fee like going out of comfort zone we resist and try to protect our self. All these fearful behaviors has created us to attract negative thoughts or information easily.

Negative people always are in fearful state. So to make them feel secure they depend highly on others emotional needs. Relationships we generally see are result of this where we try to find security be making relation with our partners. We always have fear of losing them so we try to control them always. 

We feel insecure since we have fear to lose them. If relationships are based out of fear and finding security then it is going to break sooner or later since it has compulsion. We get attracted towards like minded people so if you are emotionally weak then you will attract emotional person.

Bad habits are naturally attracted towards negative people. Since they are too much fearful to face reality of life. If you are in state of continuous fear then you will get stressed , you will find ways to divert negative emotions by alcohol or drugs or smoking.

 Empty mind is home of disaster. 

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