What are easy ways to improve mental health

What are easy ways to improve mental health?  

Mental health has been major concern in this generation of fast paced life. Human beings are struggling to deal with mental health issues. This mental health issue was not prominent during last generation but it has prevailed in this generation of technology and corporate lifestyle. 

Express feelings

Most of us are not aware of the symptoms of mental health issues. What we call it as normal headache or stress due to work load or hectic day, but in reality when you are going through such issue for longer period then it will create effect on body. Initially we may not notice it but eventually it will show symptoms like sustained headache, anxiety, hands shivering, body aches etc.

Expressing feelings will give you path to understand this issue and by sharing with closed one will give you a space to take out residual pain and stress. Mental health is result of suppressed feelings for longer time. Once you allow it to express feelings then you will feel more relaxed. You will be able to understand nature of your mental health problems.

Keep a Journal

Most of the people find it difficult to express feelings or they feel insecure about sharing mental health problems. They are mostly introvert who doesn't like to share with others. Also they feel like others will make fun of them. 

Journalling is the way to express feelings and emotions on piece of paper. Writing down what exactly you are feeling and what thoughts are troubling you will pave the way for understanding root of your mental health problems. Journalling helps to have clarity of thoughts, once you start writing down you will have better clarity and you will be able to track root cause. Most of the time after writing down you will realize you are unnecessarily worrying about things.

Music Therapy and Take enough rest

When things are beyond your control, you can't handle your thoughts and emotions then you have to find better way to relax yourself. If situation is beyond your control then recovery is the priority. We have to find way to relax and reduce intensity of thoughts and emotions going on in mind.

Music has power to divert your attention. If you feel uncomfortable and unbearable then you must start listening to music whatever you would like to listen. Start paying attention and listen carefully so that your thoughts will reduce down and you will feel relaxed with music rhythm. 

Connect with nature

Another way to deal with mental health issues is connecting with nature. Nature has enormous power to heal your body and mind. When you feel helpless then you need to spend good amount of time with nature. Go outside and take walk in nature. Connecting with nature and realigning yourself with true existence will make you feel happy and relaxed.

Nature has power to connect you to your basic nature. It will heal your mental issues. Relaxed mind will find way to have more peace and happiness. Simply listening to nature sound and chirping of birds, sounds of river waterfall. All these means are ways to make you mind relaxed and reduce down intensity of thoughts.

Meditation & exercise

Meditation is the only way to deal with your mental issues. Mind has major role to play in mental health issues. Once you are able to handle your mind wisely you will have reduced mental health problems. Meditation will allow you to differentiate your thoughts and you as a object looking at thoughts coming and going on screen of your mind. Basically we identify ourself with thoughts as part of your identity, So we get disturbed with thoughts going on in mind. We attach meaning to them by identifying all thoughts has to do with you.

Physical exercise will make your body relaxed. Once you start doing exercise you will have more endorphins and oxytocin hormones which will make you feel good and bring down mind thoughts and troubles. Move your body to make mind peaceful.

Social connect & Family time

Human beings are social animals. Once you start isolating yourself from social life then you will have side effects on your personal life. Social life plays major role in life, if you are connected to some social cause or getting involved in some sort of social work then you will never have feelings of isolation. 

Family has major contribution towards making your life balanced. If you spend quality time with your family then definitely you will never face mental health issues. Spending time with children's and playing with them will make you feel happy and relaxed. You must have family to share your feelings with them, also you should involve in your family members problems to resolve them.

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