What is ultimate truth? How we are carried away by this search for truth.

 What is ultimate truth? How we are carried away by this search for truth.

Like others I was searching for ultimate truth. I was getting panic for not able to find what is ultimate truth. If everything we see around is mere illusion which has been created by surrounding environment. We are living a life of delusion which is controlled by surrounding environment. What we consider important at particular times in life does not stand true at other times. We are carried away by the illusion of materialistic things, we are chasing them to have more in life. These pleasures in life will not guaranty you long lasting happiness. 

 Many meanings have been attached to the word truth. In what context we are referring to matters a lot. Suppose we are not getting satisfaction in life for the success which we achieved then we will look for higher good which will make you happy. Searching meaning of life or trying to figure out purpose in life will be medium for leading path towards the ultimate truth. It's difficult to find truth by attaching meaning to life or attaching meaning to materialistic things in life.

 Ultimate truth can be looked at higher dimension of life. External world is created by human mind. It is full of imagination, past memories and fascinations about future events. When most of Saint or Guru's have searched in external world, they never find it relevant. Truth which we are trying to find will never be found in outer world. What possibilities we have is to explore inner world of human being.

As per my understanding, Ultimate truth is to understand inner world. Exploring inner world will open so many possibilities of life. If you want to find ultimate truth then go and explore inner world. Meditation has been best method to explore and connect with inner being. Many great saint's have explored the inner world, they further had no questions to explore. They have witnessed the beauty and peace where all your search will halt. 

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