Why we have craving for having more things in life?

Why we have craving for having more things in life?
Why we love shopping and buy things to occupy home?

It is very difficult for us to seat idle for couple of hours. We are struggling to cope with less attention span. Even we are not able to keep away from mobile for 5 minutes. Every now and then we are checking social feeds and scanning mobile. There is something going on in our mind which is not allowing to be at peace. 

Mind is the faculty which is creating continuous struggle to settle down without having thoughts and chatter. We are afraid of being alone where you don't have anything to do or play with it. This emptiness which we are not able to bear has been main reason why we keep ourselves occupied with something always. Humans have so many gadgets and mediums by which they can keep themselves occupied all the time. 

Peace of mind is what we are lacking. We are trying to run away from solitude where you are with yourself. The way we are conditioned since childhood is that we must do something all the time. We must keep our self-occupied with something, keep one self-busy with something. We are afraid of being alone, we are afraid of silence which we feel when not occupied with anything.

We have conditioned ourselves like this so that we will keep our self always busy doing something. We find so many means to occupy ourselves. We plan for trips, movies, shopping, travelling, exploring new places, camps etc. if you have hobby or want to send time for your interests then its ok to spend spare time for hobby but merely to keep one self-occupied, we are planned so many things.

Advertising industry uses this habit of constantly search for something to occupy has gained a lot . They provide you different options to buy things, they will make you feel that how much integral part of your life. You can't make yourself complete without having that luxury things in your home. In order to do something new we go for shopping things which are not much needed to buy at this point of time. 

If you go to shopping then you will end up buying so many unnecessary things which are lucrative due to discounts and offers. Consumers are being manipulated to buy unnecessary things. When you are not under your own control then someone else will control your buying behavior.

Craving for more things is also result of comparison with surrounding people. We always want to show case , you wants to make impression with expensive car, gadgets and many more things. In order to make impression on others we are consuming so many things. Constant search for things to occupy life also causing you to run behind success and money. Your never-ending desires are making your life more complicated and difficult to find peace of mind.


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