How to overcome EGO – Mind created identity to avoid suffering and pain


How to overcome EGO – Mind created identity to avoid suffering and pain

Root cause of suffering is identification with Mind – Ego (Aahankar)

Why we have too much suffering in life?

Why we always get in troubles?

Why we have to face difficulties in life?

Why we attract suffering and pain in life?

What creating never ending problems in life?

Why we have to go through painful situations in life?

Why happiness is not long term companion for us ?

Every one of us has similar kind of questions in our mind. We always try to figure it out what causing all this issues in our life. Not being able to sort it out is more frustrating experience for all of us.

We name it as “Karma”

Do you really thing past Karma has to do with present life? For some instance it may be true but not always.

Something bigger or hidden thing which we are not able to track it down has playing this game with us.

To simplify it what if I tell you that your own Mind created EGO is the culprit to make it happen.

Do you think it does make sense?

Let me clarify it for deeper understanding (Awareness / Awakening)

Ego is creation of human mind.

If I ask you who you are? 

Obviously your answer will be your Name which we have been given some name by our parents.

This name has been associated with some past experiences like

 Who are your parents?

In which community you born?

What teaching you have been given by your parents , teachers , schools, society , friends , religions?

You identify yourself by the religion in which you born, by the teaching you got from school, by the influence of your near ones, by the upbringings of past, by the real time life experiences.

You are identified by the mind conditioning which your surrounding has influenced on you. Your perspective towards life is result of your life experiences in past.

Suppose you have many financial issues in your family then you think that money is everything. You will strive hard to earn money as much as you can. Also suppose you have been abused as a teenager by relative then you creates impression in mind that people are not trustworthy.

Ego is result of mind conditioning created by your surroundings. Since we born everyone talks about the success means earning lot of money, gaining fame, having big house and car , having beautiful partner , social status.  All these impressions made on mind since you are children have created mind conditioning.

Why we always compare others rather than being complacent with what already have achieved. We have that mind conditioning which always force us to compare with others and run behind materialistic desires.

Now we have created our self image in mind i.e. Ego. When someone hurts you who get affects instantly its self image created by mind.

One of the reasons why we suffer is that your Ego get hurt when things are not happening the way you want.

Remember that you are not you Ego. Ego is creation of mind through conditioning by your influences in life. Now Ego has come in picture in every aspect of life.

Ego means image we created for our self in our mind. Every one holds ego eventually in life.

You have some self image as being prestige in society you crave for name or fame in your surrounding. Suppose your children’s go for inter-caste love marriage then you think your image will get tarnished. You care much about yourself image i.e. Ego associated with that image in mind. When something threatens your ego then you get uncomfortable. You resist a lot to avoid that instance. When things are beyond control you will suffer by imaging your identity will get tarnished.

Identification with mind means you attach you ego to every situation and assume that it will hurt myself image. Whenever your ego get threaten you will offer resistance to it.

This identification with mind is root cause of your suffering.

Your EGO thinks that you have control over everything in life. When situations are beyond your control your ego loosens control so it will create suffering and pain.

Everyone holds EGO.

Someone associate ego with Position or Power ,  someone with social image , someone with fame , Someone with their Money , Someone with their  children’s , someone with education background .


 Now you understood what you mean by EGO and how it works.

How spirituality helps to overcome EGO and transform pain and suffering into pleasing experiences.

Ego made this world -- Alan Watts


Ego has created the image of God so that the mere thought of God can create a lower self within us.


Otherwise: The Self]..... might equally be called the "God within us". ~CG Jung, CW 7, para 399.

We created God identity out of our fear. Mind seeks some resort to safeguard himself from uncertainties and threatening life situations.

Being someone there to protect us will give mind empowerment and console. Mind which is always in fear need some imaginary support system which it feels will rescue from vulnerability.

 We hold EGO and identification with mind. Every time when some problem occurs in our life you feel insecure since your EGO will get hurt.

You have Ego like I have created my own fame and worked hard to achieve success whatever I have now. Suppose you have lost money and business is not doing good. Then first who get hurt its your EGO which will not accept this problem will try to resist it happening. But in reality situation has occurred you don’t have control over situation. But your Ego will not accept this and will create resistance and you get into thoughts of suffering and pain.

Your identification with mind has troubled you a lot. You always feel like I have control over everything happening in my life its simply your EGO. When things are not happening the way you want will create thread to your ego. You don’t accept the reality and create own suffering in life.

Spirituality is the way where you accept that GOD has all the power and whatever happens in life is in control of GOD only. Not in control of man i.e. EGO driven. Once you surrender yourself to god then your EGO will dissolve.

EGO is creating all the suffering in life. If feel like we are in charge of everything happening in life. One you surrender to supreme and believes that whatever will happen it will be taken cared by supreme power I need not to interfere in this appears then all you resistance to problem will disappear.

 Surrendering means giving up EGO. Once you surrender to GOD then your EGO will not overpower your life. All spiritual paths lead to dissolving human EGO and transform it into divine purity.

Rising above the mind or giving up EGO is at the root of all spiritual teachings whatever religion you follow. This awareness is the only way to avoid suffering and pains in life.

Awaken your Mind. Get rid of your EGO.

If you have any doubts, please let me know ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon
