What are the causes of stress and how to overcome mental stress?

 What are the causes of stress and how to overcome mental stress?

Mental Stress is commonly observed phenomenon now a days. Stress have dire effect on health and lifespan. To understand what creating stress in life one need to dive deeper. Following are the major causes 


We are living very fast and furious lifestyle. We are not finding time to rest and take a long breath. Always running behind new success goals and running behind money is creating stressful situations in life.

Modern lifestyle and fast food we consume have inherent contents to grow your body fast without strengthening it. Living balanced life where you life enough time for family and eat wisely to avoid further health issue is need of hour.

Lack of physical fitness and exercise is major cause of stress. Your lifestyle is not allowing to give time and efforts to take care of body and mind. 

Loneliness and social isolation's

Indian combined family systems where designed in such a way that you have always someone to share you feeling and thoughts. Elders were responsible to take care of family members. 

Loneliness and isolation in urban life has created issue because no one is there to express feelings. If feelings are not taken out then it's going to create stress and depressions. 

Over expectations

We have so many dreams to follow. We want to achieve everything in life. But at what cost you want to have all worldly things in your pocket. Our desires are not going to end. To run behind success and not getting desired result is causing too much stress in life.

Be specific about what you want to have in life. Over expectations will create stressful situations. Balance is necessary to have peace of mind. 

What people will think about me / Others opinions 

What people will think about me or others opinions driving our life crazy. We are getting trapped in this misconception. In reality it doesn't matter much what others think but we are getting stressed to live up to others expectations.

Obsessions & Temptations

Over obsessions about something and failing to have it in life making you get stressed. People obsesses about luxury cars , I-phones , branded cloths , big houses. 

In reality your temptations are not going to fulfill unless you have potential and capabilities to work hard and achieve that success. Unrealistic temptations are creating unnecessary burden to perform without capabilities.

Self - denial and criticism

Were we born , what type of physical body we have , In which family we born , what privileges we have by birth is the fact we should accept. If you are fair then accept with grace. No need to compare with others.

We are not accepting what truly we are , trying to compare with others. Most of the people try to imitate others which creating always stress to live up to others expectations.

Comparison with others

What your neighbors have shouldn't bother you much. But in reality we always try to compete with others. To buy better than what they have making you stressful. You are trying to show case how rich you are than others.  

Social status and fame is more attractive. So now a days young generations are wasting energy and efforts to get social media focus and fame. If you don't get like on your post you are feeling unnoticed that also creating stress to live up to social media expectations.

Bad associations / peer pressure is also forcing you to follow them and try to match with their unrealistic expectations. If you fail to meet peers expectations, you are getting stressed.Bad habits (Smoking, drinking, drugs) are result of bad associations.

Losing Work Life balance

Nature of current corporate jobs are workaholic. They doesn't allow you to give enough time to spend with family. Over work pressure is creating stress and losing control over work life balance is worsening the situations.

Allocate firm time slot for family , create self discipline to adhere to family time spending. Balance in work and family will only create relish to stress.   

Running away from life problems and struggles

No one wants to have hardships/ bad times in life , but in reality you have to go through all the life up and downs. We are resisting life problems which is creating stressful situations. We don't accept life struggle rather curse others for problems. 

Running away from life problem is creating more stressful situations than facing the problems.

Distractions and confusion in life is making your life more complex. You don't know which way to go in life. What others are doing is the only standard you have to follow. More you distract and get confused then you will get stressed more. 

Lack of sense for a purpose or aim in life is also making life complex and creating depression among youth. 

Lack of Spiritual perspective in life

Ultimately to overcome all mental stress one need to find proven path. Spirituality is the path which will teach you to live peaceful and satisfied life. Stress is created due to never ending desire where as spirituality teaches how to balance all the dimensions of life.

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