Why do people follow spirituality? How spirituality helps to make life happy and peaceful ?

Why do people follow spirituality? How spirituality helps to make life happy and peaceful ? 

Naturally humans have tendency to look for growth and success in life. With hard work and efforts one can achieve all the materialistic desires they have. We do have system in place to guide you how to become rich  and successful. There are so many coach are out there to teach you and guide you to achieve success and become rich. 

But growing in economical aspect of life doesn't guarantee you peace of mind and balance in personal aspects of life. We have so many examples nearby where people have all the comforts and lifestyle still they feel lonely and commits suicide. They don't have companion to express their feelings and emotions. 

Despite of having all worldly pleasures human is still struggling to have peace of mind.

To have that kind of balance in personal life one need to find a way to have peace of mind. Social and personal life need to groom such a way that you will not feel alone or left behind. So to achieve balance in work and life one need to find a way where you can have peace of mind.

Spirituality is the only simple way where you find a logical explanations for your feelings of loneliness and unhappiness despite of having all success and fame. You will feel like something is missing in life.

Other way around, People keep them self busy in achieving some purpose in life or social work, setting new goals and aim pursuing some hobbies etc., still it may not give assurance of satisfaction. Many times you may get mislead-ed in social activities or some can cheat you .Even you achieve some goal in life , whatever happiness you get will not lasts longer your greed to have next goal will not stop at some point.

What spirituality have to offer you is peace of mind. Your search for more and more in life will come to end by accepting what you have is enough or gratitude towards whatever you achieved till the time. So spirituality teaches you to be grateful for what you have and try to groom yourself with balance in personal as well as professional life.

When you are going through hard times or you have so many life problems hovering around you then you will not be able to deal with them. You get overwhelmed with never ending life problems and struggles. In such cases you have to keep you hope alive by believing in some supreme power which will help you to come out of this situation that's where spirituality comes in picture. 

Spirituality teaches you to surrender whatever situations you have in life which you don't have any control over it to supreme power it will take care of it. Just keep on trying and give your best to come out of this life problem. You will have psychological support from supreme power to overcome or deal with such hardships.
Spirituality doesn't mean to blindly follow some saint or Guru but it is belief that some supreme power is out there which governs and controls the universe. You will have to believe that if it has created you then it will take care of your survival. But humans have created complications in life by running behind pleasures and comforts. We as a human have created imbalance in our relationships , we created chaos , we created issues to exploit nature.


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