How root in spirituality helps to lead balanced life

 How root in spirituality helps to lead balanced life

Balance in every aspect of life is essential to have effective life. When things go out of balance then it creates dis-ease in life.

Four dimensions of human life

Physical body

Mental health

Social life

Spiritual life

Physical health need to maintain to avoid diseases where as mental well being is essential to mange stressful situations. Social life play vital role since human being is social anima we need family , friends, society to express thoughts and emotions , feelings. Indian traditions are so designed to ensure you are not left alone in isolation.

Combined family is culture of inclusiveness where you have people around to share feelings and emotions. We must express our feeling and thoughts, let it come out or else suppressing it may cause anxiety and depression.

Spiritual dimension of life is holistic approach towards life to have balance in all aspects of life. How we interpret about life has to do with your spiritual orientations in life. Spirituality means exploring inner world. We are too much crowded by our external physical world which is tangible but our inner world is invisible which need to explore with meditations and practice.

Spirituality means trying to explore inner world made of “Aatma” or “soul” which is unexplored dimension of life.

We identify our self by external world like our name , position , fame , power , education , religion ,cast , success , society we present but all these aspects are related to external world but we have to explore inner world which has potential to unleash power within you.

Hard times , lack of purpose in life , unfulfilled desire , constant struggles in life , never ending life problems will push you to look for that inner world where you will not find answers in your outer world. Most of people start their spiritual journey after going through major crisis of turmoil, where you will have all you answers to unresolved questions about life real situations.

When you try to explore more about life then you will land up to spiritual quest.

Explore spiritual dimension though meditation , self – awareness , detachment from materialistic desires by understanding nature of mind and it’s pattern of suffering , devotion , Raising level of consciousness through knowledge and practice.

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