How to live pleasant life and bring more joy to life

How to live pleasant life and bring more joy to life

Happiness or joy are natural instincts of human beings. Fundamentally we are designed to be pleasant and joyful.We naturally have longings to live blissful and joyful life. We always want to be at ease and peace. When we lose our pleasantness or joy we tend to get stressed and bring more misery to life.

What making us suffer ? 

What's that which creating trouble in life?

Why we are not at ease at any point of time in life ?

What creating unpleasantness in life ?

Life is not happening the way you want is the root cause of all the human mankind. What we are expecting from life is not getting fulfilled is the reason for our suffering. Basically we have desire to live life the way we want to happen but in reality life happening the way it designed to be.

Mind is the faculty which creating this thoughts and respective emotions. When things go against your will you will start creating resistance to it. Once you don't accept what happened in reality it will cause you suffer. You will curse to life for not happening the way you wish to happen. 

If you deprived of something then mind will create more value for it. So you are deprived of pleasant experiences , joy or happiness so you will run behind it and not getting that experience will create more suffering. 

Psychological drama of your thoughts and emotions you think is life 

People are suffering for their own thoughts and emotions.

Human possibilities are unlimited , we have ability to harness body and mind to achieve the substantial pleasantness. But our very intelligence is working against to create suffering in life.

Thoughts are created in mind , Which type of thoughts we have decide the emotions in our body like sad or nervous , anxiety is created when negative thoughts generated in mind. 
If you have sustained negative thoughts for more than 2 week , then it will create vicious cycle thoughts out  of fear and hopelessness. This sustained state will create stage of depression.

When we are pleasant in body we name it  "Health"

When we are very pleasant in body it creates "Pleasure"

When we have pleasantness of Mind it we experience as  "Peace"

When mind experience become very pleasant then it is "Joy"

When emotions become pleasant we feel as "Love"

When emotions become very pleasant we call it as "Compassion"

When life energies become pleasant it is "Bliss"

When life energies become very pleasant it is "Ecstasy"

When our surrounding become pleasant we call it "Success"

We are taking life very seriously. When we keep "Me" at the center of every thing happening in life then you are going to make it damn serious. Human "Ego'' is not allowing us to be at ease. Ego wants more not willing to settle for less. Longing to expand human boundaries is natural instinct but we should loss balance. 

If you don't know how to be good at yourself then how you are going to be good for others. If you are good to yourself then only we will be good to others. What emotions you are experiencing will naturally come out for others. If you are nervous or frustrated then how you are going to give love to others.

Level of awareness or consciousness in your life will decide level of suffering you go through . Only way to come out of suffering is to raise your awareness about your thoughts and emotions mind creating.

Once you have total control over what thoughts you want and how your emotions should flow then your pleasant experiences will never go away. Understanding nature of mind and how it creating negative thoughts and emotions can solve the problem. 

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