How to get happiness out of busy schedule of working life

Happiness while busy schedules
How to get happiness out of busy schedule of working life?

Work fills the major part of our life. In order to be more productive or get more in life, we are getting busy in our daily schedules. When we are too much busy in working life we hardly find any happiness. 

We are continuously getting stressed due to stringent working styles. Despite of this if you want to get happiness then you need to sort it out by applying couple of strategies.

There is always trade-off between happiness and busy schedules

Why you work hard or get busy in working life ?

Ultimate aim of working hard is to get happiness. We always contemplate happiness in success. We feel like when we work hard and get good money then we will be happy. We assume that working hard will get you more money and you can buy many things so that you will have happy life. 

So end goal of working hard or getting busy in working life is to earn happiness in terms of money. When you get busy and try hard to succeed then you will get stressed. You will lose happiness in life.

That was a one perspective towards the happiness and need for working hard.

But in practical life we have to make balance of both. While getting busy in working life we have to find the means to feel happy and make your life going easy and smooth. We can't deny the fact that we have to work and get busy in life.

We can be happy despite of our busy work schedules. Happiness is the choice we daily make. We always have the choice to be happy in every moment of life. While working also you can create more happiness. 

Basically happiness is nothing but the feeling good. When we are emotionally feel good in that moment then you are happy. If you want to be happy in every moment of life then you have to be more aware of what's making you unhappy.

Ways to  get happiness out of busy schedule of working life

Make your part of work more enthusiastic and happening

Whenever we have something exciting to do or when you have some interesting challenges to tackle. During these times your excitement is very high  and you will enjoy the process. Once you achieve that task completion then you feel more happy and contented. Happiness can be derived by multiple options. 

When you are having good times then you fell more happy. But basically good feelings you derive out of some achievements or when you get some desired output in life. If you desire to have new car you will associate your happiness with having that car in your parking lot. Once you fulfill your desire you will feel good which means you are happy at that point of it.

Why can't we derive the feeling good and being happy by making our work more interesting. When you are more excited to complete your projects and once you achieve that with desired timelines then you will feel happy and contented. So it never about the having pleasure in life means you are happy. You  need to understand real meaning of happiness in life.

Don't worry too much about the work schedules 

We have adopted the busy lifestyle. Unnecessarily we  are over indulging in work life. We always have to maintain the balance between work and life to have peace and happiness. We are getting too much busy in work that we are neglecting our health. We can earn money but can't buy happiness out of it. Those who give more priority to  their work will lose balance in personal life.

When we are too much worrying about the work then you will get more stressed. Due to the busy schedules we are getting feeling of more stressed. We are always in the state of hurry to rush for next task. 

We are thinking too much about the work and target, we are continuously getting stressed due to worry and anxiety. When you are overwhelmed with the worry then you will never feel happy in life.

Don't worry too much about the work. Organize your tasks as per priority and don't feel stressed every time. We are not happy because we are continuously under tension to meet next target. Instead of taking action we worry too much about how we will manage the tasks. 

Always take quick action rather than worrying about it's completion. Once you relieve yourself from the work burden then you can regain some happiness in life.

Don't rush, just relax at work

Why we are getting stressed ? 

Main reason we are too much stressed is due to our rushing nature. We always rush in life to achieve target and make more money. But we are forgetting that we are losing the peace of mind. We are too much habitual to rush and get stressed. 

Unnecessarily we are running behind the desires one after another. There is no never to desires in life. We must perform our duties but not by adopting the lifestyle of hurry and rush.

We want to perform so many tasks at a time so we keep on pressing ourselves to do multiple tasks. This kind of habits will make you more stressed. You will rush behind all the tasks and you will get overwhelmed. You will not perform any task full efficiently. We are making our life hell due to this rush and multi-tasking.

Relax ..Relax... more often.....Whenever you get some time during busy working schedule try to relax often. Simply you can adopt the practice of relaxing all the body part. Simply close your eyes and say 

"Peace and calm is flowing through my body and mind"

 " I am peaceful" 

" I am happy and calm"  

Meditation and mindfulness

You will never get time to do things which are important for personal development. You have to spare some time in your busy schedule. Unless and until you decide firmly, you will never find time to do meditation. If you want to live life more happy and peaceful then you have to sacrifice your sleep.

Get up early morning to do some meditation. Meditation is the best practice to make your life more peaceful and happy. Once you are meditating you will reduce your work stress and you will become more happy and contented. 

Meditation basically helps to make you more mindful in present moments. When you pay total attention towards present moment then you will reduce the worry and stress.

Meditation will broaden your perspective towards life and happiness. If you are living the stress free and tension free life then you are going to live more happy life. Your perspective towards happiness will change and you will find more happiness in every moment of life.

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